Bicycle commuter Chris Pena was killed by a #HitAndRun driver on Mission Blvd in Hayward.
Deepest sympathy to Chris's loved ones, including his widow; their son, a student at #HaywardHighSchool; and their daughters, students at #UCBerkeley and #UCDavis. Help support the family with funeral and educational expenses by donating and/or sharing fundraiser:
Note that CalBike's #CompleteStreets survey seeks—for #Alameda County—input on Route 238, which includes Mission Blvd, Hayward, where Chris was killed. Respond to 4-question survey now, or by Oct 6:
An additional way to honor Chris's life: support work of area bike advocates @BikeWalkAlameda (#Hayward is in #Alameda County) and @BikeEastBay ; and statewide advocacy, California Bicycle Coalition / #CalBike:
Thanks to #EastBay bike advocate @footsteps for bringing this horrific tragedy to our attention:
#haywardhighschool #alameda #HitAndRun #ghostbike #hayward #ucberkeley #ucdavis #EastBay #ripchrispena #california #bikecommuter #completestreets #calbike #BikeTooter
Here's an offering for #ThickTrunkThursday : a large Celtis sinensis along #PutahCreek on the west side of #UCDavis.
#thicktrunkthursday #putahcreek #ucdavis #Trees
Massive oak tree near Olson Hall at University of California Davis.
#UCDavis #GoAggies #YoloCounty
#thicktrunkthursday #ucdavis #goaggies #YoloCounty
I know a mama who’s going to get misty when her three-year-old outgrows this cutie.
#ucdavis #DavisCA #futureaggie
UC Davis continuing to ableism.
Online options should always be available. Train the trainers (using disabled-led training as we told you in the Demandifesto THREE YEARS AGO).
#UCAccessNow #ucdavis #ableism
River otters at the @ucdavis Riparian Preserve this AM. And one having some Étouffée. #ucdavis #California #NaturePhotography
#naturephotography #california #ucdavis
UC Davis is doing a lot of tours and that means they've been putting up a lot of sign boards.
If they'd followed the Demandifesto Action Steps, they would have had disabled-led training telling them this placement blocks easy access to wheelchair accessible paths.
The wheelchair needs flat concrete to roll. The signboard doesn't need it to stand. #UCAccessNow #Ableism #UCDavis
#UCAccessNow #ableism #ucdavis
Sometimes it pays to read those omnibus emails... There will be construction at LaRue and Blue Ridge Rd./Orchard Park. Good time to expand your biking range if you weren't already taking your bike on commutes/errands. #UCDavis
Apparently, the Cal Aggie Alumni Association is hiring Student Event Venue Coordinators.
This is a position that really needs an anti-ableist!
#UCAccessNow #disability #accessibility #ucdavis
The university charged me tuition it shouldn't have charged me - KEPT IT ONE MONTH - and didn't refund it with interest.
#universityofcorruption #ucdavis
Due to the research I've done on carob's CA history, I'm a little familiar with the wrangling that happened over where UC campuses would be located. However, it was in regard to another campus.
This is my introduction to what was involved in "The University Farm" selection. #DavisCA #UCDavis
The Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences at #UCDavis is looking for a Visiting Assistant Professor in #Paleoceanography:
Ex-UC Davis student arrested in serial stabbings that have terrorized city #Davis #ucdavis
Person detained in connection with fatal #stabbings near #UCDavis campus, police say
Number 4 on my list is 5 Broadgate (built in 2016). Designed by Make Architects.
An unusual #groundscaper that is broad rather than tall. Reminds me so much of the ‘Death Star’ at #UCDavis. Nothing repeats, unusual window arrangement, random gaps etc.
I loved this one!
As the birdapp continues to implode, now is as good a time as any to announce my next steps to the 🐘 herd here:
Excited to share that I accepted a tenure track position in the Department of Design
at #ucdavis
Join me on my journey along with wonderful colleagues across campus as I start up a Spatial Politics lab!
Glitchie’s already begun tunneling from Abq to Smf 🙃