radio · @radio
203 followers · 3422 posts · Server

"...reporting from El País, which adds even more intrigue to the Spanish case, was acknowledged and covered by zero media organizations.

News media that partnered with Assange and WikiLeaks on the publication of documents at issue in the U.S. case—the Times, the Guardian, Der Spiegel, and Le Monde—have ignored what has been learned about UC Global and the ."

One of few sites where you can trust the "free introductory offer".

#newyork #cia #ucglobal

Last updated 1 year ago

· @TinodiGacco
71 followers · 704 posts · Server

Il caso . Conversazione con Stefania Maurizi

"Come Ellsberg, anche Assange è stato spiato, le conversazioni col team legale ascoltate e i documenti copiati dalla l'azienda che doveva garantire la sicurezza dell’ambasciata. Secondo almeno due ex lavoratori UCGlobal, testimoni sotto protezione nell’ambito di un’inchiesta dell’Audiencia Nacional di Madrid, queste attività di spionaggio sono state condotte per la .
La sorveglianza prevedeva di filmare e registrare Assange, i suoi legali e noi giornalisti che andavamo a fargli visita.
Simili fatti danno una misura dei tempi preoccupanti in cui viviamo. Nel caso di Ellsberg questo tipo di operazioni illegali portarono al crollo delle accuse; 50anni dopo, nel caso di Assange niente fa scandalo, neppure azioni illegali di questa portata"

#cia #ucglobal #assange

Last updated 2 years ago · @tarnkappeinfo
1529 followers · 3787 posts · Server
· @TinodiGacco
71 followers · 704 posts · Server

They can smear him with false — the case won't be thrown out.

They can spy on him when he's with his lawyers ( on behalf of ) — case not thrown out.

They can arrange for a to lie about him. Pedophile admits to lying – not thrown out.

Audio is released of warning 's that a rogue reporter will reveal everything – still gotta get him.

The considered murder plots against him - still gonna .

#rapeAllegations #ucglobal #cia #pedophile #assange #hillary #statedept #usa #uk #extradite #noExtradition

Last updated 3 years ago

Wikileaks [bot] · @wikileaks
1888 followers · 10382 posts · Server

Email from 's David Morales Sep 2017:
"Special attention on STELLA MORRIS - we believe that it is a false name - rumor had a baby of the guest - I want a person dedicated to this activity fully, so if you have to hire someone for it tell me" @stellamoris1

#ucglobal #AssangeCase

Last updated 3 years ago

Wikileaks [bot] · @wikileaks
1888 followers · 10382 posts · Server

Court Files expose Sheldon Adelson’s security team in US spy operation against Julian Assange

#AssangeCase #ucglobal

Last updated 3 years ago

Thanks @samuraikid,

We're sure they are using such imagery with the best of all possible intentions, they think they are God. Reminds us of why they don't like an entity that they don't control, like producing hardware/software.

Then revealed pedalling a couple years ago, on embassies, 's on Julian's with lawyers. Is next ?

Open, printable, recyclable hardware now.

@bohofromthegetgo @sourcex

#huawei #switzerland #cia #malware #australia #spain #ucglobal #communications #spacex #trojanhorse

Last updated 4 years ago

· @Spain4Assange
31 followers · 98 posts · Server

La Policía portuguesa interceptó el pasado 8 de marzo a David Morales, propietario de la empresa de seguridad que espió a Julian en la Embajada de Ecuador en Londres, mientras abandonaba España en dirección a Lisboa.

Las autoridades lusas alertaron de inmediato a las españolas al comprobar que Morales tiene prohibido por la Audiencia Nacional salir del territorio nacional y lo devolvieron a España.

#Assange #ucglobal

Last updated 4 years ago

Nube · @nube_despeinado
102 followers · 2733 posts · Server

"Les amis américains" : de nouveaux documents révèlent l’étendue de l’opération d’espionnage sur Julian . (The Grayzone)
➡️ Une enquête exclusive de The Grayzone révèle de nouveaux détails sur le rôle clé joué par (le milliardaire) Sheldon à Las Vegas dans une opération d’espionnage de la CIA visant Julian Assange.

#assange #adelson #wikileaks #ucglobal

Last updated 5 years ago