Re #monographs and scholarly communication: #openaccess clearly speeds up the dissemination, but (in contrast to new models for scientific article publishing), I don't think we yet have a way to speed up the commenting, reviewing and response to books.
Our 'History of Scientific Journals' was published in October. #UCLPress now reports almost 3,000 downloads so far, and 45 sales of other editions. But, no reviews yet, and little sense of whether more than 2 people have read beyond the Intro...
#uclpress #openaccess #monographs
Only just discovered the breadth of #UCLPress #OpenAccess. Added half a dozen in my digital #tsundoku already:
#uclpress #openaccess #tsundoku
En anbefaling på #fotohistorie-feltet, #ElisabethEdwards og #EllaRavilious har redigert "What Photographs Do. The making and remaking of museum cultures". En strålende bok om et strålende tema: fotografier "utenfor samlingen". Gratis å laste ned som pdf fra #UCLpress
#fotohistorie #elisabethedwards #ellaravilious #uclpress
That shouldn't stop them promoting the OA download figures, though.
I can maybe see why there might be some ambivalence about releasing download figures for individual books (though #UCLpress are happy to do this, and maybe other born-OA publishers), but no reason not to release an 'average' per OA book, surely?
But we will still all need to re-adjust our expectations of what ordinary vs impressive numbers would look like.
We have a short piece of autofiction called, "Wildfire" in this anthology published this week by UCL Press. The book is called, "Lockdown Cultures 2020/2021' and is available as free pdf to download as well as hard copy for sale. More info and download here:
#LocdownCulture #AutoFiction #UCL #UCLPress #Art #Humanities
#humanities #art #uclpress #ucl #autofiction #locdownculture
Wow! As an #openaccess monograph, our "A #History of Scientific #Journals, 1665-2015" has reached 80 different countries already. Just 15 print sales so far - but over 1,800 downloads in the first month!! #UCLpress
Spread the word:
#uclpress #journals #history #openaccess