Global News BC: Vancouver Island communities call for compensation after Highway 4 shutdown #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #DisasterAssistance #financialsupport #highway4reopens #VancouverIsland #cameronbluffs #Compensation #BCwildfires #PortAlberni #BCWildfire #Highway4 #Ucluelet #Economy #Tourism #Tofino #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #disasterassistance #financialsupport #highway4reopens #vancouverisland #cameronbluffs #compensation #BCwildfires #portalberni #BCWildfire #Highway4 #ucluelet #economy #tourism #tofino #fire
Global News BC: Vancouver Island’s Highway 4 to fully reopen Thursday evening #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Highway4Reopening #highway4repoens #HighwayReopens #WildfireDamage #highwayclosed #BCwildfires #PortAlberni #BCWildfire #Highway4 #Ucluelet #Traffic #Tofino #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #highway4reopening #highway4repoens #highwayreopens #wildfiredamage #highwayclosed #BCwildfires #portalberni #BCWildfire #Highway4 #ucluelet #traffic #tofino #fire
Almost 12 hours later... We made it from #Ucluelet to #Vancouver. Never been happier to arrive at the in-laws 😆💤
Global News BC: Highway 4 ‘on track’ to fully reopen by Labour Day long weekend: Ministry #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MinistryofTransportation #CameronBluffswildfire #Highway4closure #highway4repairs #highway4reopen #BCwildfires #PortAlberni #rockscaling #BCWildfire #Highway4 #Ucluelet #Tofino #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #MinistryofTransportation #cameronbluffswildfire #highway4closure #highway4repairs #highway4reopen #BCwildfires #portalberni #rockscaling #BCWildfire #Highway4 #ucluelet #tofino #fire
You know you're in a touristic place when you pay $60 for two breakfasts 😅 #Ucluelet it was fantastic though!
Global News BC: ‘It’s very difficult’: Highway 4 closed again for critical rock scaling work #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MinistryofTransportation #CameronLakewildfire #Highway4closure #rockscalingwork #Highway4closed #HighwayRepairs #horneconnector #cameronlaike #PortAlberni #BCWildfire #Highway4 #Ucluelet #Tofino #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #MinistryofTransportation #cameronlakewildfire #highway4closure #rockscalingwork #highway4closed #highwayrepairs #horneconnector #cameronlaike #portalberni #BCWildfire #Highway4 #ucluelet #tofino #fire
Global News BC: Highway 4 closure cost Tofino, Ucluelet businesses $44 million: survey #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #tofinochamberofcommerce #CameronBluffswildfire #ChamberOfCommerce #Highway4closure #TourismImpact #cameronbuffs #BCWildfire #Highway4 #Ucluelet #Wildfire #Economy #Tourism #Tofino
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #tofinochamberofcommerce #cameronbluffswildfire #chamberofcommerce #highway4closure #tourismimpact #cameronbuffs #BCWildfire #Highway4 #ucluelet #Wildfire #economy #tourism #tofino
Created a connection between a researcher and some friends yesterday and learned some really cool (and also tragic) history about Japanese-Canadians on the West Coast around WWII/Internment. What a stain on our history. It is nice to know though that many in the white community were keenly aware of the injustices of Internment and refused to play along with it.
#Canada #CanPoli #Japanese #Immigration #WestCoast #Tofino #Ucluelet #PortAlberni
#canada #canpoli #japanese #immigration #westcoast #tofino #ucluelet #portalberni
We're back. So now that we have 🛜, here comes a thread of West Coast pictures/video. First, Down through the forested path to the ocean. #LongBeach #Tofino #Ucluelet #Youtube #Forest #AlmostAlone
#longbeach #tofino #ucluelet #youtube #forest #almostalone
Global News BC: Vancouver Island’s critical Highway 4 to reopen ahead of schedule Friday #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MinistryofTransportation #CameronBluffswildfire #highway4reopens #Highway4closed #cameronbluffs #bcwidlfires #PortAlberni #BCWildfire #Highway4 #Ucluelet #Wildfire #Traffic #Tofino #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #MinistryofTransportation #cameronbluffswildfire #highway4reopens #highway4closed #cameronbluffs #bcwidlfires #portalberni #BCWildfire #Highway4 #ucluelet #Wildfire #traffic #tofino #fire
Global News BC: Tourist businesses in Tofino reeling from ongoing wildfire-related road closure #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #westcoastvancouverisland #CameronBluffswildfire #Highway4closure #VancouverIsland #wildfireclosure #BCWildfire #Highway4 #Ucluelet #Wildfire #Economy #Tourism #Tofino
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #westcoastvancouverisland #cameronbluffswildfire #highway4closure #vancouverisland #wildfireclosure #BCWildfire #Highway4 #ucluelet #Wildfire #economy #tourism #tofino
Meanwhile, a small but aggressive wildfire on #VancouverIsland continues to burn beside the only major highway linking #PortAlberni #Tofino & #Ucluelet to the rest of #BritishColumbia .
Route is closed until further notice as the nearly one-square-knblaze spreads in steep terrain south of #CameronLake not far from #CathedralGrove home to some of #Canada ’s #oldest & #tallest #trees
#OldGrowth #wildfires #vanisle #PNW #PacificNorthwest #ForestryMismanagement #Clearcuts
#vancouverisland #portalberni #tofino #ucluelet #britishcolumbia #cameronlake #cathedralgrove #canada #oldest #tallest #trees #oldgrowth #wildfires #vanisle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #forestrymismanagement #clearcuts
From past #Ucluelet #RoadTrip - #BigTree along #WildPacificTrail 🥾🌲
#Treehugger #Ukee #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Tree #TreeLovers #BritishColumbia #Canada #HugTrees #LoveTrees #nature #FromMyArchive #WorldInMyEyes #TreeAppreciation #MyAdventures #GnarlyTrees #RadTrees
#thicktrunktuesday #ucluelet #roadtrip #BigTree #wildpacifictrail #treehugger #ukee #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #tree #treelovers #britishcolumbia #canada #hugtrees #LoveTrees #nature #frommyarchive #worldinmyeyes #treeappreciation #myadventures #gnarlytrees #radtrees
1/ On this day in 1922, 101 years ago, the newly elected MP for Comox-Alberni, Alan Webster Neill stood in the House of Commons for the first time in what would become a 23 year career, the longest of any MP to represent the area. He retired at the June 1945 election, as WWII was ending.
I mark this day as a reminder of what he said on his very first day and how his words carried him through those 23 years.
#portalberni #tofino #ucluelet #cumberland
Needed a bit of a getaway. It has been a rough start to the year so we are off in #Ucluelet BC. We haven’t been, so we figured why not go during storm season.
It’s pretty here.
I leave for my 48th #birthday #getaway on Feb. 5 or 6 - exact departure date TBD after my friend updates me on booking confirmation. She's taking me to #Ucluelet 🥰 I'm looking forward to showing my friend some awesome hiking trails! Looking forward to making new photo art too! I was last in Ukee in 2020. I love it there! My friend got a great deal on nice accomodations for us. I'm going hiking, having a bonfire & spending some time at cabin in Shawnigan on my actual birthday on Feb. 3rd 😊
“The current clinic almost closed last year, after the main physician warned the health authority she was working unsustainable hours to try to make the clinic financially viable and could not afford to renew the lease come May 31.
Island Health reached an 11th-hour deal with doctors at the #Ucluelet Medical Clinic and the landlord to keep the doors open for 18 months until a long-term solution could be found.” #RuralHealthcare
Summer. #Ucluelet #BigRockBeach #HikingPhotos 🦅
#vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #PlacesToVisit #ThingsToDo #SightsToSee #TourismBC #TourismVancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada #MyNaturePhotos #samsung8 #CellphonePhotos #ILoveUkee #UkeeHikes
#ucluelet #bigrockbeach #hikingphotos #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #placestovisit #thingstodo #sightstosee #tourismbc #tourismvancouverisland #britishcolumbia #canada #mynaturephotos #samsung8 #cellphonephotos #iloveukee #ukeehikes