Via no context college football @nocontextcfb
#cfb #collegefootball #uconn #ncstate
Today in #Connecticut History, August 30: The 92 Million Dollar Kickoff
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#21stcentury #august #collegesports #connecticuthistory #easthartford #frederickrentschler #prattandwhitney #rentschlerfield #sportsandrecreation #sportshistory #uconn #uconnhuskies #unitedtechnologies #universityofconnecticut
#connecticut #21stcentury #august #collegesports #connecticuthistory #easthartford #frederickrentschler #prattandwhitney #rentschlerfield #sportsandrecreation #sportshistory #uconn #uconnhuskies #unitedtechnologies #universityofconnecticut UConn Men’s Basketball 2023 Postseason Run #Basketball #BasketballVideos #huskies #UConn #UconnAthletics #UniversityOfConnecticut
#basketball #basketballvideos #huskies #uconn #uconnathletics #universityofconnecticut
Spent the day hosting a delegation from the #Ghana Institute of Policy and Management. Very exciting to collaborate with them on the formation of a #climate policy center, and student and faculty exchanges. So many of the challenges we both face WRT climate change are similar, we have a lot to gain from sharing resources, ideas, and information. Very glad to have the opportunity to discuss our collaborative multidisciplinary approach centered in environmental justice at #UConn #CIRCA.
#Big12 will seek out further additions from #PAC12 to even out to either 14 or 16 teams. If no one else jumps, they'll invite #UConn and call it good for now.
#ORDucks and #UWHuskies both talked to Big-12.
Do not give weight to B1G commish saying B1G not looking to expand; they were waiting for Big-12 to poach PAC-12 and cause a mad dash.
OR/WA get higher payout from B1G; they're prioritizing B1G. Talk w/ Big-12 is backup plan.
#uwhuskies #orducks #uconn #PAC12 #Big12
"#UConn drops controversial #socialMedia #surveillance contractor"
#highered #connecticut #Surveillance #SocialMedia #uconn
I’m starting a rumor if the ravens leave #UConn, the basketball team(s) will fail.
(For the rest of the world, the University of Connecticut in the US has dominated women’s basketball for more than a decade winning 11 national titles. The men’s tea is also respectable, winning five titles. It’s a thing here.) Jordan Hawkins will be important for the Pelicans | Does Bol Bol make sense in New Orleans? #Basketball #BolBol #BrandonIngram #CjMccollum #Devonte'Graham #HerbJones #HerbetJones #huskies #JaxsonHayes #JonasValanciunas #JordanHawkins #JoseAlvarado #LarryNanceJr #NBA #NbaPodcast #NbaTrade #NewOrleans #NewOrleansPelicans #NewOrleansPelicansPodcast #Pelicans #PelicansPodcast #pels #SouthwestDivision #SummerLeague #UConn #WesternConference #WillieGreen #ZionWilliamson
#basketball #bolbol #brandoningram #cjmccollum #devonte #herbjones #herbetjones #huskies #jaxsonhayes #jonasvalanciunas #jordanhawkins #josealvarado #larrynancejr #nba #nbapodcast #nbatrade #neworleans #neworleanspelicans #neworleanspelicanspodcast #pelicans #pelicanspodcast #pels #southwestdivision #summerleague #uconn #westernconference #williegreen #zionwilliamson
You know what? I DO think this is a good day to have our in-person team meeting at the Marine Science campus. #UConn
Gov. Lamont (CT, US) just announced $8.8M in climate resilience grants for 21 plans and projects. CIRCA’s Resilient Connecticut team will be assisting with several projects.
#CT #NewEngland #ClimateResilience #Resilience #Planing #CIRCA #UConn
#ct #newengland #climateresilience #resilience #planing #CIRCA #uconn
started a #wikipedia article on US home economist, #UConn dean, Elizabeth Eckhardt May (1899-1996): #HoodCollege #ColumbiaAlumni #dishist #rehabilitation #homeec
#wikipedia #uconn #hoodcollege #columbiaalumni #dishist #rehabilitation #homeec
What a joy to attend our political science department awards ceremony last night and see all the student achievements. Congrats! #UConn
Happy moving to!
#intro Greetings from #NewEngland #Connecticut US. #ecologist turned #lawyer at #CIRCA a multidisciplinary #UConn Institute at the intersection of #science, #engineering, #climate change #resilience, and #law working to help state and local govmt use best practices to equitably enact policy in response to the climate crisis.
#LandUse, #JustTransition, #energy, #regulation, #transportation, #urbanism I post a lot of nonsense too because this isn’t LinkedIn
#intro #newengland #connecticut #ecologist #lawyer #CIRCA #uconn #science #engineering #climate #resilience #law #LandUse #justtransition #energy #regulation #transportation #urbanism
I didn’t realize there had been riots at #UConn after the win. Apparently Gen Z really is obsessed with the 90s.
Beautiful day for #30DaysOfBiking! (This is actually my law school, which is very close to my house, but was taken at the end of a long-for-me ride.) #UConn #SpringFlowers #LawSchool
#lawschool #springflowers #uconn #30daysofbiking
RT @iamalmostlegend
Scenes from the UConn campus after they won the college basketball championship last night:
Can’t figure out why I’m not seeing these quotes:
“Why are they destroying their own communities?”
“It’s their music.”
“Fatherless homes.”
#MarchMadness #NCAAM #CollegeBasketball #NCAAB #ArtButSports #Art #UConn
Via ArtButMakeItSports @ArtButSports
The Adoration of the Shepherds, by Caravaggio, 1609, 📸 of @andrejackson111 via @UConnMBB
#marchmadness #ncaam #collegebasketball #ncaab #artbutsports #art #uconn
Congrats al team #UCONN por ser los ganadores del #marchmaddness 2023 ayer lograron ganar el torneo #NCAA #NCAAM
#uconn #marchmaddness #ncaa #ncaam #basketball
🏀 #UConn виграв #MarchMadness
у фіналі без інтриги. Напевне так і мало бути, але від фіналу #NCAA
завжди очікуєш якихось карколомних сюжетів😕
🏀 #UConn виграв #MarchMadness
у фіналі без інтриги. Напевне так і мало бути, але від фіналу #NCAA
завжди очікуєш якихось карколомних сюжетів😕