Unless you scrap tuition fees, fund unis properly so staff aren’t over-exploited, reduce the burden on precarious employees, and fix the broken bridge between school and uni for working class and poorer kids, then you won’t do anything of the sort
Just refused the 3rd PhD examination this year in line with the #MAB (assessment boycott). Feeling terrible for the students, and my stressed colleagues who are trying to sort out vivas 😰Hoping against all odds that #UCEA are going to see the light eventually. @ucu @academicsunite #UCU #ichBinHanna #UCURising #FairPayForFairWork
#mab #ucea #ucu #IchbinHanna #ucuRISING #fairpayforfairwork
Thinking back to my time in #SlabCity a few weeks ago, and while it was hot, sweaty and people had some questionable views about chem trails, it was still preferable to having to partake in the #capitalist grind of HE and the trials of #UCUrising. Take me back to the desert!
#ucuRISING #capitalist #slabcity
Well, Keir Stamer just told me not to vote for him on national radio #ucu #ucurising
As this leaves member feeling confused, and thinking they've missed something, that makes it easy for UCU Left to step in and fill the gap by convincing people that what they are missing is that this "one last chance" means that we will pause the action under some combination of conditions that is different to those that would have ended the action before last friday.
I havn't seen the text of the HEC motion, but the comms left a massive open goal for UCU Left. #ucu #ucuRising
@alexprichard It doesn't help that the email we recieved last week, on the heels of the HEC vote, made aboslultely no sense.
How can we be offering UCEA "one last chance" to return to negotiations? One last chance or we do what? Carry on exactly as we are now? Its clearly not "one last chance", because if they refuse to negotiate now, but decide to negotate later, then we will respond at that time exactly as we would respond if they agreed now. #ucu #ucuRising
On a train to the @leedsucu picket line because of the Unite union bus strike at First West Yorkshire. Reminder not to get a bus driven by a strike breaker to go to the @leedsucu picket - if you can't get in otherwise, better to stay home and actively digital picket. #UCURising
Today is an open day at University of Leeds. This show of staff unity is the first thing most prospective students will see as they arrive at the campus. Senior management need to tell their negotiators it's time to reach a settlement. #UCURising #UCU #Unison #UniversityOfLeeds
#ucuRISING #ucu #unison #universityofleeds
A fantastic sunny day on the picket lines with #UCU and #Unison reps standing together. Thread of pics! #UCURising #UCUStrike
#ucu #unison #ucuRISING #ucustrike
Well written, straight to the point and insightful: a Durham University student rightly blames Universities for their utter failure to do the obvious (negotiate)... @ucu #ucuRISING https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/12/pandemic-a-levels-marking-boycott-university-degree
#Solidarity with University of #Kent academics who were told a few months ago their jobs were safe, only to told now, they're not.
FYI - the marking and assessment boycott of #UCUrising is STILL ON. Our employers haven't budged, only 3 uni VCs have stuck their head above the parapets to call for talks, all the while students are seeing their degrees massively diluted as huge swaths of work goes unmarked.
6 weeks of this shit and still nothing. We fight on.
People often think the law protects them at work, but it rarely does. Even where it does, its almost impossible to enforce on your own (difficult even collectively). This is why unionism is so important. Collective action is far more likely to protect you than the law is.
So I think its probably legal. BUT it seems designed to alienate as many people as possible (see also denying annual leave and WFH during this period, even if you don't currently have marking assigned).
RT @RobFagan
In a very important thread from
, everyone should be paying particular attention to this. Our employer has threatened 100% pay deductions to NON-UNION staff who refuse to take on additional workload at the busiest time of the year
UCEA's latest statement about the #UCUrising despite is laughable. They're "deducting wages to protect students"?? Really? How is immiserating staff, risking lockouts and creating a culture of punitiveness 'protecting students'?
"...Some universities have argued that the deductions are fair because they do not accept ‘partial performance’"
-But what if their work-load model is already a work of fiction? Wouldn't they end up proving that they should in fact be paying more?
"...the University management will now meet to devise a School by School formula to make wage deductions from those taking part in the boycott that reflects the amount of contractual time they would have spent marking during the boycott.’
So it'll blow their minds when they discover they should actually be paying more because lecturers actually work longer than they should to do this stuff. The work-load model may have to leave the realms of fiction.
RT @CardiffUCU
A packed @CardiffUCU Emergency General Meeting just voted 87% in favour of escalating to strike action in response to bullying 50-100% pay deductions over #ucuRISING’s #MAB, including:
- Graduation;
- Confirmation & clearing;
- Welcome week & more.
✊👇1/2 https://twitter.com/cardiffucu/status/1651539456820690944