Jointly organized by the Montenegrin Ministry of Health, Institute of Public Health and Dr Min Brajovic, Head of #WHOCountryOffice with financial assistance by #USAIDMontenegro and technical support by the #WHEBalkanHub, the #Caravan 🚌 aims at promoting the benefits of #immunization as a #lifesaving intervention.
#whocountryoffice #usaidmontenegro #whebalkanhub #caravan #immunization #lifesaving #udahni
🆕 #HealthCaravan promoting better health by offering information, easy access to health checks & on-the-spot #COVID19, #HPV & #MMR #vaccination 💉 launched in #Montenegro
#VaccinesWork #VaccinesSaveLives @WHO_Europe @brajovic_mina @MinZdravlja @ijzcg #WHEBalkanHub
#healthcaravan #COVID19 #hpv #mmr #vaccination #montenegro #vaccineswork #vaccinessavelives #whebalkanhub #udahni