#ukcurrency #TheKing #udiforyorkshire I haven't yet seen a banknote with our esteemed UK monarch 👑 imprinted on it. As a supporter of the winning side in the English Civil War I find the very existence of a 'monarch' somewhat objectionable. However, the alternative could be worse. If we had a picture of our PM (President?) on the banknotes then how many reissues would we have had by now.
#ukcurrency #TheKing #udiforyorkshire
#ukcurrency #TheKing #udiforyorkshire I haven't yet seen a banknote with our esteemed UK monarch 👑 imprinted on it. As a supporter of the losing side in the English Civil War I find the very existence of a 'monarch' somewhat objectionable. However, the alternative could be worse. If we had a picture of our PM (President?) on the banknotes then how many reissues would we have had by now.
#ukcurrency #TheKing #udiforyorkshire