So, Jennifer Pusateri's still over with the ex but she says: While at the UDL Symposium (#UDLlens), I was inspired by
to up my consulting website game! Check out my new website:
For Spring '22, I will be making History of the English language materials such as maps, tables of runes, descent trees, and chain shift diagrams accessible to people with visual impairment using the PIAF machine at my university. Very excited about this!
#UDL #UDLHE #Education #disability #blindnessandvisualimpairment
#Blindnessandvisualimpairment #disability #Education #udlhe #udl
Thanks for a great Digicon this year! UDLHE is already looking forward to next year and we need your leadership skills.
Nominate yourself (or a willing colleague) to be the next Digicon co-chair. The fabulous Katja Hakel (this year's chair)
will be there to support you! Nominations are due 12/31!
(You may have to request to join the Mighty Network to see the details. If you'd like the info without joining, please respond here and I'll send them to you!)