So, Jennifer Pusateri's still over with the ex but she says: While at the UDL Symposium (#UDLlens), I was inspired by
to up my consulting website game! Check out my new website:
Maria Town Maria Town on her experience being “included” in school as a child with CP: “I was the only student like me in my classrooms. The message I received is that I needed to pass: I needed to work as hard as I could to not appear disabled.” #UDLlens CAST
UDL is the tool to work toward the goal of creating access—it’s not the goal itself Susan Shapiro #UDLlens CAST
Today I gleaned a lot from #UDLlens -- the CAST symposium on special ed tech w/ Universal Design for Learning "lens." Yea, we did a little thing on creating an online collaborative community (and I want to do MOAR :)) and I wondered if there'd be stuff for me, b/c I'm always "other."
I clicked briefly on a session about hope b/c the whole affective thing isn't my strength and then bailed because they might do breakout rooms or something ACK!... and went to the "hybridizaton of content" and *yes,* did get pulled away, but it was interesting. THEN there was a session on designing online courses for students who *expect* lots of personalization.
Oh, time to blog about it :P
Design matters! Dr. Jennifer Pusateri thought of it all! A worksheet designed to fit tiny post-its so we workshop participants don’t soil our precious blank copy. #UDLlens
A conference with post it notes and fidgets on every table is my kinda conference! CAST UDL Symposium #UDLlens CAST
#udllens I started into a session about hope and then thought, "what if they make us do breakout rooms about that?" and wham!!! I was in the "hybridizing science classes" session (with 33 instead of 66 people) -- much better fit esp. since yes, I got pulled away and missed half of it.
A UDL Plus Approach from Nicole Tucker-Smith at CAST UDL Symposium #UDLlens 🙌
UDL Symposium Keynote Nicole Tucker-Smith: To create truly inclusive spaces, we have to set clear goals... and also QUESTION those goals. The original goal of public education was essentially assimilation—what implications @MsTuckerSmith #UDLlens
#UDLlens today and tomorrow! From my silent office (summer classes ended last week) at the college.
I’m excited to be a first-time attendee & presenter at the online CAST UDL Symposium this week! I look forward to learning from and with everyone! #UDLLens