New post on my blog: "OpenVPN Client Access to a LAN Through a Unifi Dream Machine Pro (UDM Pro)"
I've created a Debian APT package that configures an OpenVPN remote access server on the UDM Pro, making it trivial to deploy this hack.
Accessing Sonos devices across VLANs on a Ubiquiti UDM network #Ubiquiti #UniFi #UDM #Sonos
@sayrer i have UPS at all workstations and a big one in my rack but my nerdiest thing is that i have an lte hotspot and a reverse shell opened by a raspi if my fiber goes down for more than two hours.
cron power cycles my ONT if i can't ping outside but i don't usually want to bounce a NAS or my #UDM dreamMachine without some idea of what's happening!
I spent a large portion of last year figuring out how to get my #HomeNetwork to a place that felt functional and streamlined. I started with the UDM Pro SE and built around that...I thought I wanted shelves in my little machine room but it became...uhhh...chaotic. Last week, my wife and I put together a server rack and she cut a piece of wood for the top. I reorganized everything and it's feeling MUCH better! #HomeNetworking #UDM #Unifi #Ubiquiti #IT #FreeLance #Organization #CableManagement
#cablemanagement #organization #freelance #it #ubiquiti #unifi #udm #homenetworking #homenetwork
Amis français, j'ai besoin de votre aide : depuis que j'ai passé ma #Freebox en mode bridge avec un #Unifi Dream Router je n'arrive plus à télécharger d'applications sur le #PlayStore de Google.
Actuellement j'ai l'IPv6 désactivé sur le routeur et j'ai tenté sans succès :
- de désactiver Pi-hole
- de changer le DNS WAN par ceux de Google
- d'activer IPv6 en suivant
- de bloquer les requêtes DNS AAAA avec le PiHole
Quelqu'un aurait-il une piste ?
#unifidreamrouter #udm #playstore #unifi #freebox
I dared to update the #Unify Dream Machine Pro. Secondary Internet is not the primary and @Airmed just messaged me that the Internet is completely dead.
#Ubiquiti always was pretty bad at software but it’s slowly approaching the point where I will order a board with two NICs and throw opnsense on it.
The amount of work the „premium hardware“ causes me with every. single. update is far more than maintaining a proper OS manually. #udm