Wir sind zurück und sprechen in Folge #009 über den #TransDayOfVisibility, die Bewerbung von Lise Klaveness fürs #UefaExCo und MVTs neuen Vertrag bei den #DFB-Frauen. Den Kackspecht verleihen wir den Kürzungsplänen im Sport der Deutschen Welle: Solidarität mit den Kolleg*innen. ✊ Grüße gehen raus an @genderbeitrag, @GNetzer, @fschmidt, @dxciBel und @einfachfreddy. 💘✊
#transdayofvisibility #uefaexco #dfb
Lise Klaveness is going all in and we are loving it: "It’s time for more women in top leadership of international football! Never before has any female president been voted in to the #UEFAExCo. I am ready! I am ready to work for change, to protect the game, the players - to make football more inclusive."
Lise Klaveness is going all in and we are loving it: "It’s time for more women in top leadership of international football! Never before has any female president been voted in to the #UEFAExCo. I am ready! I am ready to work for change, to protect the game, the players - to make football more inclusive."