RT @embl
EMBL’s Dey group embarked on 2nd annual ‘labbatical’ to step outside daily research tasks w/ help of single-celled model organisms.
The group applied its usual high-tech tools and world-class expertise, but with a totally different model organism.
The invisible world of plankton is literally expanding... #PlanExM #UExM
RT @vincentflora
Featuring a friend and colleague @dudin_o during @EMBLtrec @embl
Looking at our plankton #catchoftheday .
I’ll try to share more of what we actually catch in the next stop (Tallinn!). This time in Roscoff a lot of Rhizosolenia (diatom people happy 😊 ) https://twitter.com/embltrec/status/1646870708440514562
#wefreezeonthebeach today Virginie was cryo-plunging!! Can’t wait to analyse the sample by #UExM
RT @Dey_Gautam
Just back from an incredible few days with #EMBLtrec at the stunning & historic @SBRoscoff - hugely grateful to our hosts, our #WeFreezeOnTheBeach friends and the entire @EMBLtrec team for making this possible 1/2 https://twitter.com/embl/status/1642860556058075138 https://t.co/4COkAmvXhh
#embltrec #uexm #wefreezeonthebeach
New preprint with the @RoepmanLab ! Probing the sub-cellular mechanisms of LCA5-Leber Congenital Amaurosis and associated gene therapy with #UExM - a great work lead by Siebren Faber & @MerceyOlivier identifying a role of LCA5 in IFT protein trafficking. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.01.17.524360v1