We're doing this thing at work on Monday. #fanfares23 #UniversityofFlorida #Gainesville #Florida #UF #fireworks #LiveMusic
#fanfares23 #universityofflorida #gainesville #Florida #uf #fireworks #livemusic
That combination reduces switching costs by undermining network effects AND, combined with ever increasing user frustration ( #UF), may continue to tip people over the edge into exploring what software COULD be, not just what the entrenched forces have shaped it to be.
[end, for now]
Juice=Juice 10th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT TOUR ~10th Juice at BUDOKAN~のグッズ紹介 https://www.moezine.com/666149/
#angerme #beyooooonds #dvdmagazine #dvdマガジン #Dマガ #goods #helloproject #idol #Juice=Juice #MORNINGMUSUME。 #UF #UFGoodsLand #アイドル #アップフロント #アンジュルム #グッズ #グッズ紹介 #コンサートグッズ #ジュースジュース #ツアーグッズ #つばきファクトリー #ハロー!プロジェクト #ハロプロ #ビヨーンズ #ビヨンズ #モーニング娘。 #モー娘。 #井上玲音 #商品紹介
#angerme #beyooooonds #dvdmagazine #dvdマガジン #dマガ #goods #helloproject #idol #juice #morningmusume #uf #ufgoodsland #アイドル #アップフロント #アンジュルム #グッズ #グッズ紹介 #コンサートグッズ #ジュースジュース #ツアーグッズ #つばきファクトリー #ハロー #ハロプロ #ビヨーンズ #ビヨンズ #モーニング娘 #モー娘 #井上玲音 #商品紹介
Wore my "Zoom Dr." hat at work yesterday for a keynote lecture by Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young, Under-Secretary of #USDA. The stick mic on the camera was a backup to venue sound. #UF #IFAS #YorkLecture
KI für eine bessere Welternährung? https://www.pocketpc.ch/magazin/news/vermischtes/ki-fuer-eine-bessere-welternaehrung-89440/ #BillandMelindaGates #UniversityofFlorida #SwissCognitive #Vermischtes #Ernährung #uFlorida #Food #AI #KI #UF
#billandmelindagates #universityofflorida #swisscognitive #Vermischtes #ernahrung #uflorida #food #ai #ki #uf
#StrawSoul is live! Dark Oz romantic #urbanfantasy, book 2 of Needle & Straw! Is Scarecrow filled with dangerous, ancient magic? Can Theo fend off her awful family? And what horror still lurks in Oz?
#strawsoul #urbanfantasy #wizardofoz #romanticfantasy #uf #pnr #scarecrow
Cover reveal for #StrawSoul (Needle & Straw book 2), sequel to contemporary dark Oz #urbanfantasy #StrawSong! Could Scarecrow harbor evil magics? Can Theo fend off her terrible family? And what horror still stalks Oz? #romance, adventure, #queer rep, humor & horror!
Straw Song available from Graythorn Publishing at https://www.graythornpub.com/shop/author-k-a-silva/6 or the 'zon: https://www.amazon.com/Straw-Song-K-Silva-ebook/dp/B09FTGGHH4?ref_=ast_author_mpb
#fantasy #bookstodon #writingcommunity #WizardOfOz #UF #PNR
#strawsoul #urbanfantasy #strawsong #romance #queer #fantasy #bookstodon #writingcommunity #wizardofoz #uf #pnr
Postdoctoral Fellow in Muscle Biology @MCML_UF
Join us in the Molecular Cardiology and Myology Lab at #UF @MCML_UF to study #skeletalmuscle physiology and #spinal cord injury
#ScienceJobs #job
Gainesville #UnitedStatesUS ...
#unitedstatesus #job #ScienceJobs #spinal #skeletalmuscle #uf
Oh no, userfriendly.org is offline. Would anyone know if there is an #archive ?
RT @Sentinel_Sports@twitter.com: Good thing Dan Hurley is coaching at UConn and not #UF | Commentary #Gators https://t.co/h7gkQDCOZ6 https://t.co/mK9es…
QB Anthony Richardson to throw before ‘packed house’ at #Gators Pro Day #UF https://t.co/1OiUgMOiPv https://t.co/4GTwtoMJlN
A promoted ad on the Twatter site prompts doubt of #fossil history—from the University of Florida. We’re well aware that scientists constantly reveal new data that may question previous hypothesis. But the choice of paying for and publicizing a scientific error vs. any kind of genuine college draw for #UF sows germinating seeds of science denial in the fertile mud of Muskville.
Indicadores para #Chile al día #Miércoles
• Índice de Precio Selectivo de #Acciones (#IPSA): 5382.84 CLP (-0.22%)
• Índice General de Precios de #Acciones (#IGPA): 28302.66 CLP (-0.68%)
• #Euro (#EUR): 867.45 CLP (-0.91%)
• #Dólar (#USD): 814.50 CLP (-1.57%)
• Libra de #Cobre: 3.98 USD (1.02%)
• Unidad de Fomento (#UF): 35519.74 CLP (0.03%)
#chile #miercoles #acciones #ipsa #igpa #euro #eur #dolar #usd #cobre #uf
Indicadores para #Chile al día #Martes
• Índice de Precio Selectivo de #Acciones (#IPSA): 5394.90 CLP (0.71%)
• Índice General de Precios de #Acciones (#IGPA): 28495.60 CLP (0.52%)
• #Euro (#EUR): 875.81 CLP (-0.85%)
• #Dólar (#USD): 827.47 CLP (-0.63%)
• Libra de #Cobre: 3.94 USD (-2.23%)
• Unidad de Fomento (#UF): 35509.63 CLP (0.03%)
• Unidad Tributaria Mensual (#UTM): 61954.00 CLP (0.30%)
• Tasa Política Monetaria (#TPM): 11.25% (0.00%)
#chile #martes #acciones #ipsa #igpa #euro #eur #dolar #usd #cobre #uf #utm #tpm
Indicadores para #Chile al día #Martes
• Índice de Precio Selectivo de #Acciones (#IPSA): 5382.52 CLP (0.47%)
• Índice General de Precios de #Acciones (#IGPA): 28463.91 CLP (0.40%)
• #Euro (#EUR): 880.56 CLP (-0.31%)
• #Dólar (#USD): 828.96 CLP (-0.45%)
• Libra de #Cobre: 3.94 USD (-2.23%)
• Unidad de Fomento (#UF): 35509.63 CLP (0.03%)
#chile #martes #acciones #ipsa #igpa #euro #eur #dolar #usd #cobre #uf
Indicadores para #Chile al día #Lunes
• Índice de Precio Selectivo de #Acciones (#IPSA): 5357.10 CLP (0.48%)
• Índice General de Precios de #Acciones (#IGPA): 28349.27 CLP (1.02%)
• #Euro (#EUR): 883.41 CLP (1.40%)
• #Dólar (#USD): 832.70 CLP (0.81%)
• Libra de #Cobre: 4.03 USD (-2.42%)
• Unidad de Fomento (#UF): 35499.53 CLP (0.09%)
• Unidad Tributaria Mensual (#UTM): 61954.00 CLP (0.30%)
• Tasa Política Monetaria (#TPM): 11.25% (0.00%)
#chile #lunes #acciones #ipsa #igpa #euro #eur #dolar #usd #cobre #uf #utm #tpm
Indicadores para #Chile al día #Lunes
• Índice de Precio Selectivo de #Acciones (#IPSA): 5369.27 CLP (0.71%)
• Índice General de Precios de #Acciones (#IGPA): 28429.85 CLP (1.31%)
• #Euro (#EUR): 879.59 CLP (0.96%)
• #Dólar (#USD): 827.80 CLP (0.22%)
• Libra de #Cobre: 4.03 USD (-2.42%)
• Unidad de Fomento (#UF): 35499.53 CLP (0.09%)
#chile #lunes #acciones #ipsa #igpa #euro #eur #dolar #usd #cobre #uf
Indicadores para #Chile al término de esta semana...
• Índice de Precio Selectivo de #Acciones (#IPSA): 5331.57 CLP (0.35%)
• Índice General de Precios de #Acciones (#IGPA): 28063.05 CLP (0.44%)
• #Euro (#EUR): 871.19 CLP (1.82%)
• #Dólar (#USD): 826.00 CLP (2.30%)
• Libra de #Cobre: 4.13 USD (-0.96%)
• Unidad de Fomento (#UF): 35469.23 CLP (0.03%)
• Unidad Tributaria Mensual (#UTM): 61954.00 CLP (0.30%)
• Tasa Política Monetaria (#TPM): 11.25% (0.00%)
#chile #acciones #ipsa #igpa #euro #eur #dolar #usd #cobre #uf #utm #tpm
Indicadores para #Chile al día #Viernes
• Índice de Precio Selectivo de #Acciones (#IPSA): 5331.57 CLP (0.35%)
• Índice General de Precios de #Acciones (#IGPA): 28063.05 CLP (0.44%)
• #Euro (#EUR): 871.68 CLP (1.87%)
• #Dólar (#USD): 826.00 CLP (2.30%)
• Libra de #Cobre: 4.13 USD (-0.96%)
• Unidad de Fomento (#UF): 35469.23 CLP (0.03%)
• Unidad Tributaria Mensual (#UTM): 61954.00 CLP (0.30%)
• Tasa Política Monetaria (#TPM): 11.25% (0.00%)
#chile #viernes #acciones #ipsa #igpa #euro #eur #dolar #usd #cobre #uf #utm #tpm