Old 3D CAD Mouse Gets New Lease Of Life https://hackaday.com/2023/02/07/old-3d-cad-mouse-gets-new-lease-of-life/ #SpaceMouseCompact #RaspberryPiPico #computerhacks #3dconnexion #raspberrypi #spacemouse #Magellan #3dmouse #3DxWare #rs-232 #pico #UF2
#spacemousecompact #RaspberryPiPico #computerhacks #3dconnexion #RaspberryPi #spacemouse #magellan #3dmouse #3dxware #rs #pico #uf2
Old 3D CAD Mouse Gets New Lease Of Life - [Jacek Fedorynski] had an old Magellan/SpaceMouse 3D mouse with a serial interface... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/07/old-3d-cad-mouse-gets-new-lease-of-life/ #spacemousecompact #raspberrypipico #computerhacks #3dconnexion #raspberrypi #spacemouse #magellan #3dmouse #3dxware #rs-232 #pico #uf2
#uf2 #pico #rs #3dxware #3dmouse #magellan #spacemouse #raspberrypi #3dconnexion #computerhacks #raspberrypipico #spacemousecompact
According to a comment on the ARMmbed/DAPLink issue on the #VenturaProblem, "…I've tested macOS Ventura 13.1 beta.4 and it looks like it resolves the issue," see https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk/issues/1081#issuecomment-1341027843.
I've not yet had a chance to check this myself, or heard anything directly back from the folks I'm talking to at #Apple, but if anyone that has access to #macOS beta releases wants to try out the latest beta and report back? #UF2 #RaspberryPi #RP2040
#venturaproblem #apple #macos #uf2 #raspberrypi #rp2040