......I do not think we are talking about a CNET-few-months-of-experimental article churning, I think this abuse of AI is already being committed by the commoner. This is a proverbial child with a gun scenario. Folks, the dangers of AI are already here and it is called "artifical intelligence" for a reason. Trust but verify. 3/3 #ai #chatgpt #ughmakeitstop
question - does anyone else have this thing where - for maybe an evening or a day even all the movies and tv shows you try to enjoy just seem dubbed to you even though they’re not? like there’s a glaring disconnect but you know it’s not a technical issue because the audio and visuals all line up perfectly as you watch? #audhd #audioprocessingdisorder #isitjustme #ughmakeitstop #adhd #actuallyautistic
#AuDHD #audioprocessingdisorder #isitjustme #ughmakeitstop #adhd #actuallyautistic