Amidst the usual “how to survive Europe as an #UglyAmerican” fluff is the admonition that Italians “don’t put ice in our #wine.” 🤔
The latter just means ‘Black’, but it’s an ugly word due to who used it – and the how, and what – over hundreds of years of subjugation. Really, it’s the people using it who are ugly inside.
The former is a category of belief – people choose to continue such beliefs – and again, it’s the (same) people who are ugly inside.
— ‘Marjorie Taylor Greene told reporters being called a white supremacist was the same as a Black person being called the N-word.’
But the U.S. isn't like every other nation. We're "exceptional." Exceptionally ignorant, exceptionally insecure, and exceptionally selfish. #UglyAmerican #ThoughtsAndPrayers #GunViolence
#uglyamerican #thoughtsandprayers #gunviolence
Sorry to read this example of #UglyAmerican #oligarch type behavior. #NewZeland #Fireworks #TonyMalkin
#uglyamerican #oligarch #newzeland #fireworks #tonymalkin