I think Daniel’s so much better as Betty’s friend. Like Luke and Lorelai. #uglybetty
I don’t blame Hilda for not liking Archie. He’s very smarmy and kind of creepy about paying her compliments. #uglybetty
The whole calling guys gay insult is actually very misogynistic. Like the thing that defines real men is their ability to inflict their libidos on women. Meaning that of you don’t screw women, thereby putting them in their place as objects, you’re not a real man. #uglybetty
Claire’s being ridiculous stealing because she’s old. She’s acting like a child when it doesn’t get attention. Total psycho. #uglybetty
Elena’s being really unprofessional dating a patient. And she’s way too young for him. What a nasty lady. #uglybetty
How did Lindsay Lohan become a celebrity. I know she started as a kid, but as an adult she has no presence whatsoever. #uglybetty
Henry’s kind of a doormat. He knows Charlie is manipulating him. But he doesn’t call her until it or tell her enough is enough. #uglybetty
#uglybetty is supposed to be about inner beauty. But Betty is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside. It’s ironic. #uglybetty
I can’t believe Henry is leaving Betty to help Charlie raise the baby. Paternity test or not, she cheated on him. And Charlie’s such a bitch. He totally lets her manipulate him. #uglybetty
Cliff is kind of a hypocrite. He judges mark for being shallow, but he’s bullying mark into being with him. Even though mark is way out of his league. #uglybetty
They turned Constance from a creepy stalker into a heartbroken lonely woman with abandonment issues. It’s not convincing. And it’s an I insult to the terror she puts men through when she’s forcing herself on them. #uglybetty
Can’t get over Mitchell Pritchett as Betty’s dorky dentist. #uglybetty #modernfamily
Alexis sure does live to play the victim. After putting her family through hell while she gets an expensive frivolous surgery because she has too much time and money to be happy. #uglybetty
Hilda’s a raging bitch to Betty the entire time she’s working for Fashion Week. Like she’s not a screw up who got pregnant in high school while her sister was working hard. And where does she get off nagging Betty all the time about responsibility. So Betty wants a little glamour. Beats a teenaged pregnancy. And then when she works Fashion Week, suddenly it’s ok to dream big. Proving that she was just jealous of frumpy Betty getting ahead of her the whole time. What a loser. #uglybetty
Betty’s so susceptible to peer pressure. Anytime Gio criticizes her, she totally changes her life around. What a putz. #uglybetty