Next: Uhbik 2.0! 😎 #plugin #collection #uhe #linuxaudio
#LinuxAudio #uhe #collection #plugin
Oh wow, the amazing #uhe team has released Filterscape 1.5 RC1 14837! 🤩 #plugin #linuxaudio #beta #releasecandidate
#releasecandidate #beta #LinuxAudio #plugin #uhe
#logicpro #logicprox
Next release. Entirely made in logicprox.
Great.expectatiins on this single for the next summer: I am sure you will enjoy it!
Also, if you wish to support my endeavors, don't miss the 95% discount using the coupon
at checkout. Valid on everything!
#Fediverse #music #electronic #release #next #logic #izotope #diva #uhe #ozone
#ozone #uhe #diva #izotope #logic #next #release #electronic #music #Fediverse #logicprox #logicpro #tunetuesday #musicaboutmusic
@AustinPhilipNoble There is no real generic searching in Mastodon as each instance would then to have the text of every other instance to do the search.
We don't have generic searching enabled at the moment here. Perhaps in the future. But that would only get hits of other people who happened to pull down Post with U-he Diva in it.
Searching via hashtags is really the only cross instance searching that works. So if someone did #uhediva or #uhe-diva you could search for that.
U-he is having one of their rare 50% off sales through their partner, Native Instruments. I picked up Hive2 & Repro. They should pair nicely with Diva in my Reaper DAW on Fedora Workstation. There are still several days left if you want to get some good deals on best in the industry audio plugins.
#Uhe #NativeInstruments #Hive2 #Repro #Diva #Reaper #DAW #Fedora #Linux #LinuxAudio #MusicProduction #Synthesizer #Plugin
#plugin #synthesizer #musicproduction #linuxaudio #linux #fedora #daw #Reaper #diva #RePro #Hive2 #nativeinstruments #uhe
Für die musikalischen Tröter*innen: Zebra Lagacy von u-he für 99 € erhältlich. Beinhaltet Zebra2 +Dark Zebra (Hans Zimmer Edition) + alle Soundpacks. Besitzt man bereits eine Lizenz für Zebra 2 + Dark Zebra bezahlt man nichts, erhält aber alle Soundpacks und die kostenlose Option zum Upgrade auf Zebra 3 (noch nicht erhältlich). Besitzt man nur Zebra 2 erhält man alle Soundpacks und die Option für ein Upgrade auf Zebra 3 zum Preis von 30 €.
one #uhe HIVE plays several lines from different notes. (arp, pads, bass) I can't wait until the official #CLAP 👏 versions are released. It's incredibly fun to tweak everything in one window. Would be nice to have internal arp & fx also per voice. cpu is chill #bitwig #musicproduction
#uhe #CLAP #bitwig #musicproduction
U-he MFM2 More Feedback Machine 2.5 Massive Free Update
At Superbooth 2021, U-he previewed an upcoming massive free 2.5 update for its #MFM2 More Feedbachine plugin for PC and Mac. It brings a new interface, new feedback effects including granular, diffusor, and more.
#uhe #musicproduction #PeaceLoveMusik #MFM2
#linuxtablet #linuxaudio I’m getting a pretty good idea as to who the best plugin companies are. I currently have a high opinion of products from the following companies: #uhe, #talsoftware, #discodsp, and #audiodamage. While there isn’t as much native to choose from, there is certainly enough software to do pro audio work with high resolution screens on Linux in the same way that Windows and Mac users do. Remember, the majority of Windows software doesn’t scale up either. 😉 👍
#audiodamage #discodsp #talsoftware #uhe #linuxaudio #linuxtablet