ladies and gentlemen... the weekend 🐸
pads & drones mit #vital & #uheplugins hive in #Bitwig and some #valhalladsp magic 😍 #musicproduction
#vital #uheplugins #bitwig #valhalladsp #musicproduction
Im diving a bit into the new #CLAP 👏 universe with #uheplugins Hive and show some modulation possibilities. All Links you need in the description. Also #Bitwig Summer Sale is active!
yo #uheplugins Diva & Hive only. Firing some polyphonic modulated #clap default presets in @Bitwig
beta 6👌 cant wait for more plugin developers and DAWS implementing #clap #arturia #avid #VitalAudio #musicproduction
#uheplugins #CLAP #arturia #avid #VitalAudio #musicproduction
diva & hive by #uheplugins fed with one note in #bitwig and LOADS of subtle modulations for every voice, note-fx and you can still tweak every parameter. #clap 😎 #musicproduction
#uheplugins #bitwig #CLAP #musicproduction