Although it has been 14 years since Michal Kukačka and I designed the visual style of the University of Hradec Králové, they occasionally consult with me on how to address certain new situations or elements even today. Sure, it should be standard—but at least in the Czech environment it is rather exceptional. And super nice. Thanks for taking such care of the visual style!
Finally got the key cluster and now it's complete. #uhk #ultimatehackingkeyboard
Welcome to Mastodon @jesse . I have multiple things to thank you for: I used #RequestTracker for both my own Open Source projects and at work at a previous job; I used and still do use #K9Mail , and I am a fan of ergonomic keyboards and briefly had a #Keyboardio. (Now using a #UHK). Glad to have you here!
#uhk #keyboardio #K9Mail #requesttracker
I am mildly annoyed that the Space “bar” switch on my Ultimate Hacking Keyboard v2 just died on me after 6 months pretty gentle use. However at least it came with a switch puller and I could swap it out with one I don’t use.
I’ve bought a pack of 10 for £6 delivered from so not exactly a big financial setback.
#uhk #ultimatehackingkeyboard #mechanicalkeyboards
I feel your pain. I decided to give up the num pad for ergonomics and have accepted that my numeric input will be slower with only the number row. (#UHK split keyboard)
I do swap in a full keyboard if I'm playing Descent/ Overload, though. Still need that 6DoF game play.
#UltimateHackingKeyboard owners and those who are wondering about getting one, this is your periodic reminder that we have an unofficial community Discord/IRC chat for all matters UHK:
#ultimatehackingkeyboard #uhk #gotmyuhk
The new paml rest printed in TPU is underway. Estimated print time 10.5 hours.
#3dprinting #tpu #uhk #prusai3mk3
octopi server won’t respond to requests, i’ll have to do this print like it was the ${INSERT_TWO_DIGIT_NUMBER}’s and feed the print via card….sd card ;)
#3dprinting #UHK # TPU
Definitely printing the 100m next time.
Not the cleanest test print, with sanding and what not.
Though it was a draft print, going about as fast as possible.
So success, even the holes align.
Tomorrow TPU!
I bet once i figure out which size i like, i can 3d print it in TPU
let's see if i can 3d print a better paml rest.