Heretical_i · @heretical_i
19 followers · 1030 posts · Server

Just in case you wonder why , , are so important to the and State Department they fabricate stories about " Concentration/Torture Camps"... I mean BESIDES THE FACT Uighurs are found in large numbers in formations like , funded by those two aforementioned agencies.

#uighurs #uyghurs #cia #china #islamists #terrorists #isis #geopolitics

Last updated 1 year ago

Susanne Koch · @susanneanette
62 followers · 73 posts · Server

The vast majority of solar panels made globally to have significant exposure to China and Xinjiang. Xinjiang is a region where the United Nations accuse the Chinese government of committing human rights violations.

#energy #china #xinjiang #uighurs #humanrights

Last updated 1 year ago

☆ joene ☆ · @joenepraat
1290 followers · 26679 posts · Server
☆ joene ☆ · @joenepraat
1290 followers · 26679 posts · Server
MyonlinePi · @admin
49 followers · 124 posts · Server

@paul The UN sets international rules and these are clear and include the declaration of human rights which chooses to flagrantly ignore this with regards to and suppression in

The same with security - Article 2(4) of the UN Charter provides that all members of the UN "shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

#china #uighurs #hongkong #ukraine

Last updated 1 year ago

Oden · @Gjallarhornet
767 followers · 5586 posts · Server
Laura Sykes #Greeneralia · @greeneralia
1193 followers · 2859 posts · Server

@6G @breadandcircuses
The CCP (Chinese Communist Party?) controls tiktok, you say.
Quite ready to believe that.
For me, that does not make watching tiktok liberating or informative: given the CCP's reputation for thought control just of the alone, without considering other offensive behaviour in this area, makes me vow never to watch tiktok .
'Relaxing & liberating' are, for me, an ironic description.

Idea that human extinction not due for 200 yrs seems over-optimistic.


Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
203 followers · 561 posts · Server

Foolowing the example of the from the Russia.
How the uses uses intimidation campaigns abroad towards who criticise the
The and watch from the front row how the Chinese work when they want to silence people about matters that the Chinese one-party state does not want attention for."

This time the Chinese did
false bomb threats out of the journalist name, to smear and damage her reputation!
use the same tactics to spread disinfo and !

using illegal police stations to threaten people

#butcher #kremlin #ccp #dictator #xijinping #journalists #dictatorship #china #dutch #police #journaklist #uighurs #hongkong #Taiwan #Tibet #putinism #trumpism #modi #trump #putin #lies #journalism #Netizens #bbc #EU #europe #america #guardian #dw #bild #france24 #asia #africa #australia #Times #India #Ukraine

Last updated 2 years ago

Pina Picierno · @pinapic
2 followers · 1276 posts · Server

A great honor to have met @JewherIlham, daughter of the Sakharov Prize @Ilham_Tohti and activist for the rights of the , at the European Parliament today.

We will continue firmly supporting the Uighurs and all communities obliged to forced labor.


#uighurs #EndUyghurForcedLabour

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
194 followers · 524 posts · Server

And than this ..hahaha.. talking about hahaha
Commerce minister;
The sale or divestiture of TikTok involves technology export, and administrative licensing procedures must be performed in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations,” she said. She means rules according to

Chinese officials are full of bullshit.

#tiktok #dictatorship #china #ccp #pla #law #dictator #murderer #xijinping #uighurs #Tibet #hongkong #Taiwan

Last updated 2 years ago

StephenC · @StephenC
275 followers · 3093 posts · Server

What I have learned on Twitter:
- Australia has signed up to a 30 year contract to support the USA in its hegemonic (prospective) war with our biggest trading partner
- China -Taiwan trade is worth over $350 billion and America wants a bigger slice
- anybody who criticises the deal is a # lover and supports the oppression of the
- Stephen Mayne is centre MSM
- Australian journalists have no idea of what a bad job they are doing
- SMH can report the majority of Australians support the sub deal with no evidence
- can hit on the mark.

#aukas #china #uighurs #paulkeating

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
193 followers · 514 posts · Server

This I find worrisome.
I don't like the at all, for the reason that it holds its own people hostage behind the Big controlled by JinPing and his fellow crooks.
The blatant spread by the Chinese officials on worldwide, just like its friends do.
For me its all very obvious!
The world knows what happened at Square and the massacre by the Chinese government.

We also know what happened to and the recent threats towards

he Secret of The Swordfish was the first story in the Blake and Mortimer comic album series by Edgar P. Jacobs. It describes how a far eastern empire takes over the world

The current global situation shows the same pattern. China CCP as an agressive country trying to establish itself as a dominant factor worldwide, #1984

#dictatorship #china #ccp #firewall #dictator #xi #lies #media #russia #belarus #putin #lukashenko #lavrov #tiananmen #Tibet #uighurs #hongkong #pla #Taiwan #orwell

Last updated 2 years ago

demï7en 🎗 · @demi7en
43 followers · 1608 posts · Server

The UN supremo Volker Türk's straight talk on the genocidal treatment of under occupation is very welcome, if painfully overdue.

's 'retweeting' it...? Now I'm anxiously waiting for the argument. Did the Uighurs deserve it by having their one and only homeland only a week's nonstop horseride from the farthest Chinese imperial outpost in the west..?


#humanrights #uighurs #chinese #amnestyinternational #agnescallamard #bothsidesism #ccp #prc #china #repression #genocide #eastturkestan

Last updated 2 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
527 followers · 6414 posts · Server

Nationalist webtrolls from hate the guts of for calling out Beijing's cultural genocide against in , for being a member and for having postponed the passage of the Bosporus of an old carrier called Varyag that *should have been converted into a swimming casino* and got turned into the , China's first-ever carrier that it likes to show off with an awful lot for it being a sister ship of the Admiral Kuznetsov.
Old junk, big pride.

#china #xinjiang #liaoning #turkey #uighurs #nato

Last updated 2 years ago

"China has secretly built scores of massive new prison and internment camps in the past three years, dramatically escalating its campaign against Muslim minorities even as it publicly claimed the detainees had all been set free. The construction of these purpose-built, high-security camps — some capable of housing tens of thousands of people — signals a radical shift away from the country’s previous makeshift use of public buildings, like schools and retirement homes, to a vast and permanent infrastructure for mass detention.

In the most extensive investigation of China’s internment camp system ever done using publicly available satellite images, coupled with dozens of interviews with former detainees, BuzzFeed News identified more than 260 structures built since 2017 and bearing the hallmarks of fortified detention compounds. There is at least one in nearly every county in the far-west region of Xinjiang. During that time, the investigation shows, China has established a sprawling system to detain and incarcerate hundreds of thousands of Uighurs, Kazakhs, and other Muslim minorities, in what is already the largest-scale detention of ethnic and religious minorities since World War II."


#china #concentrationcamps #HumanRights #Xinjiang #chineseuighurs #uighurs #chinesekazakhs #kazakhs

Last updated 2 years ago

demï7en 🎗 · @demi7en
28 followers · 1052 posts · Server

It's such a brutally basic question.

Would you buy plastic nazi trinkets? Cheap nazi electronics?

Would you watch nazi satellite "news"? Play computer games by nazis?

Would you use nazi apps that can access all your private data? (their own networks being only accessible to the nazi party)

Would you send nazis your industrial base and your bankers to finance it?

From the point of view of , , , and most of their current neighbours worried about pesky " issues", the Chinese dictatorship are like nazis, just without the _express_ corporeal extermination programme.

Yet nearly everyone merrily does business with them. Even the Jewish state... They have full WTO access to abuse as they will. Those they trust with passports go on foreign holiday tours. Unlike those denied *exit*...

Kindly explain to me why.

It's not 1945. They overthrew their republic in 1949 and went on to commit atrocities they've erased from their subjects' memory, and apparently from the memory of most free people as well. They key thought driving them forward is "biding time and hiding strength" until they can erase ** — the one thing that they fear and hate more than anything. They're buying off developing country elites at a pace that would make the East India Company blush.

I suppose Lenin's lightbulb moment of "selling capitalists the rope with which to hang them" didn't go the waste after all.

#tibetans #uighurs #southmongolians #hongkongers #lebensraum #democracy #ccp #prc #china #chinazi #dictatorship #zeitenwende #handelohnewandel #greed

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
185 followers · 408 posts · Server
CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
180 followers · 404 posts · Server

It seems to be the "new" normal, its called the blame game.
doesn't like the measures taken by countries to avoid the spread of a new deadly strain of
“We believe that the entry restrictions adopted by some countries targeting China lack scientific basis, and some excessive practices are even more unacceptable,” foreign ministry spokesperson said at a briefing.
Or is the afraid that it it looses power thanks to its own former zero-covid policy.?!
Just like the CCP is always lying or twisting the

#dictatorship #china #covid #Omicron #mao #ning #ccp #putin #russia #truth #Tibet #Taiwan #hongkong #uighurs #India #un #Ukraine

Last updated 2 years ago

Eric McDaniel | NPR · @eric
382 followers · 64 posts · Server

The whole podcast from is as good as people say, an extended profile Xi Jinping — but this episode about the is particularly excellent

#theprince #theeconomist #uighurs

Last updated 2 years ago

demï7en 🎗 · @demi7en
6 followers · 398 posts · Server


If democracies don't finally begin pulling together and fighting the spread of *everywhere*, more and more developing democracies will fail and fall into a pit of where civil society will be deprived of any possibility of organizing opposition again.

We know which regime is driving these "developments", but bankers and industrialists from democracies are still queueing up to kowtow its Leader while lobbying at home to ensure business continues as usual.

One sometimes wonders what , , , and all the other silenced subjects of repressive regimes (read the article) might think about the ethics and moral backbone of .

#autocracy #surveillance #dictatorship #tibetans #uighurs #southmongolians #hongkongers #democracies

Last updated 2 years ago