Here's Creggan White Hare from Shrewsbury and following that is Blackie O'Connell on pipes doing a couple of classic slip jigs. #music2work2 #uilleanpipes
Need to get this one in my head before this afternoon's practice. Seems to be in 7/8 time... almost. Talented young band out of Scotland. #Irishtrad #uilleanpipes #flute #fiddle #tunesinfunkyrhythms
What's your favorite tune/song in 7/8 rhythm?
#irishtrad #uilleanpipes #flute #fiddle #tunesinfunkyrhythms
A mini-documentary about making #UilleanPipes and reeds with Tyrone pipemaker Martin Gallen: #IrishTrad #craft
#uilleanpipes #irishtrad #craft