This is good news! Judge blocks the Uinta Basin rail approval!
Uinta Basin plan to send Utah oil through Colorado derailed
The appeals court ruled that the Surface Transportation Board conducted a “poor environmental review,” by failing to study the potential of oil spills, trail derailments along the Colorado River and the potential for wildfire in communities.
#colorado #climatechange #uintabasin
Oil-train opponents look to railroad’s expiring Moffat Tunnel lease for bargaining power
#Colorado #UintaBasin #oiltrain #MoffatTunnel #UintaBasinRailway
#uintabasinrailway #moffattunnel #oiltrain #uintabasin #colorado
I have watched the third #season of The Secret of #Skinwalker Ranch and I am puzzled. Another show in the #Uinta basin region with the same #phenomena is The #Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch.
#season #skinwalker #uinta #phenomena #mystery #thesecretofskinwalkerranch #themysteryatblindfrogranch #uintabasin