5 free registration tickets for an exciting XR+AI workshop at #UIST2023!
Here is the form that the organizers have shared: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxlDUAoR2yjGvgDozL7VYJBjZ29dER7u-CWHt4TW1G7eqk8g/viewform
📢 Looking for current research on #HCI + #AI? Here's a collection of #UIST2023 preprints. I've collected them via arXiv, twitter and mastodon. Suggestions welcome!
Sustainability & hardware development are two facets that are hard for HCI researchers & labs to reconcile, we agree and decided to explore this tension in a #UIST2023 workshop: https://sustainablemaking.com // do join us at @ACMUIST in San Francisco. This is being organized by Zeyu Yan, my PhD student Jasmine Lu, Tingyu Cheng and @huaishup , ! (Early bird registration is ending soon, so join now to secure a seat in the workshop, since we have only a small number of available spots )
Join us at the upcoming #UIST2023 workshop, Architecting Novel Interactions with Generative AI Models. Featuring a keynote by Will Wright (creator of The Sims and Simcity) and Lauren Elliot (Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego)! https://reverie.herokuapp.com/uist_interactivegenai/home
Unlike typical SIGCHI workshops, UIST workshops will be open enrollment — limited spaces, first-come, first-served. There will be no position paper. Just make sure to register early before it fills up.
i'm disappointed that none of the authors of the #uist2023 papers i'm reviewing even bothered to ask if i would like to join them on a luxury fishing trip.
Final call for the 4th Workshop on #UserCentered #AI (#UCAI2023) at Mensch und Computer in Lake Zurich,🇨ðŸ‡
Submission Deadline: June 23rd, 2023 Notification: July 3rd, 2023 Workshop: September 3rd, 2023
#usercentered #ai #ucai2023 #ucai23 #muc2023 #ml #CHI2023 #IUI2023 #uist2023 #xai
Join the 4th Workshop on #UserCentered #AI (#UCAI2023) at @mucConf in Lake Zurich,🇨ðŸ‡
Submission Deadline: June 16th, 2023Â
Notification: July 3rd, 2023
Workshop: September 3rd, 2023
#usercentered #ai #ucai2023 #ucai23 #muc2023 #ml #CHI2023 #IUI2023 #uist2023 #xai
Whose brilliant idea was it to AC for #uist2023, #assets2023, #hcomp2023 and SC for #emnlp2023 all within about 6 weeks? https://media.giphy.com/media/3o6nVb3n424wXYDUJi/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e470stct6mkxosxtsdpvrxh3cg6zq1r759r4wqpo7ce&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
#uist2023 #assets2023 #HCOMP2023 #emnlp2023
Check out the #CfP for the 4th Workshop on #UserCentered #AI (@UCAI_SIG) at Mensch und Computer, Lake Zurich (🇨ðŸ‡)
Deadline: June 16th, 2023
Workshop: September 3rd, 2023
#cfp #usercentered #ai #ucai23 #muc2023 #ml #CHI2023 #IUI2023 #uist2023 #xai
Are you at #CHI2023, and you can't get enough of discussions of #XAI #HCI #AI? If so, join our #MuC2023 workshop on #UserCentered #ArtificialIntelligence (#UCAI23) @mucConf
#CHI2023 #xai #HCI #ai #muc2023 #usercentered #artificialintelligence #ucai23 #ml #IUI2023 #uist2023
so when people write things like, "System Diagram" for their alt text… do you think they think that it's good? #uist2023
day in the life… today i woke up, drank coffee, ran 5 miles, went to church, went to ramen bar with the family, more coffee, #uist2023 papers, faculty+grad coffeeshop social, picked up target order, went to home depot to get some supplies, sushi takeout, soccer w/ the kids in the front yard, cleaned the house, put 4 kids to bed, reviewed a journal paper, more #uist2023 paper writing
did my #uist2023 procrastinating by doing my #uist2023 AC bidding… there were quite a few generative AI papers, but not as many as I would have thought. tons of AR/VR papers. a number of sensing papers. a few fabrication papers.
bidding is always interesting -- i tend to bid for what i want to read, which is correlated with, but not exactly the same as, what i'm most expert in.