In about half an hour, #UK_ISS #ISS pass, starting at 04:36:01, duration 62 secs, visible, Magnitude -1.7
#iss #uk_iss
Some passes of the #ISS visible from the UK overnight - I'll post alerts closer to the time - #UK_ISS
#uk_iss #iss
In about half an hour, #UK_ISS #ISS pass, starting at 05:21:49, duration 197 secs, bright, Magnitude -2.2
In about half an hour, #UK_ISS #ISS pass, starting at 03:48:53, duration 49 secs, visible, Magnitude -1.4
In about half an hour, #UK_ISS #ISS pass, starting at 04:34:59, duration 192 secs, very bright, Magnitude -3.3
In about half an hour, #UK_ISS #ISS pass, starting at 05:21:17, duration 317 secs, bright, Magnitude -2.9
In about half an hour, #UK_ISS #ISS pass, starting at 03:48:22, duration 122 secs, bright, Magnitude -2.5
In about half an hour, #UK_ISS #ISS pass, starting at 04:34:47, duration 250 secs, exceptionally bright, Magnitude -3.7
In about half an hour, #UK_ISS #ISS pass, starting at 22:11:05, duration 277 secs, visible, Magnitude -1.7
In about half an hour, #UK_ISS #ISS pass, starting at 23:00:09, duration 171 secs, visible, Magnitude -1.4
In about half an hour, #UK_ISS #ISS pass, starting at 22:10:49, duration 360 secs, bright, Magnitude -2.6
In about half an hour, #UK_ISS #ISS pass, starting at 22:59:21, duration 258 secs, bright, Magnitude -2.2
In about half an hour, #UK_ISS #ISS pass, starting at 22:10:50, duration 390 secs, very bright, Magnitude -3.3