mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
750 followers · 7054 posts · Server

Taking the tempo up for this one. 1992 was a mad year for tempos, they were all over the place. Back then it was pretty much the faster the better.

One of THE key labels were Ibiza Records, London. They really had the ruffneck sound down... To me this really was the sound of South East London, Rush FM and my headphones!

#releasetheenergy #cmc #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
750 followers · 7008 posts · Server

we're another serious proto-jungle group that really showed the impact the Jamaican/West Indian communities had on UK music. Multi-layed breaks with a heavy dub bassline, topped off with deep lyrics. The first half is beautiful.

The second half is some of the most tearing Ragga vocals you'll ever hear! obliterates the track.

I felt like a king when I picked up the only copy at the local record shop.

#narramine #killermanarcher #genaside2 #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
742 followers · 6941 posts · Server

Feeling sluggish after a long week? This will give you a kick up the butt.

In the late 80s, early 90s the UK had a thing for fast raps and uptempo breaks.

Is it any wonder Jungle originated here?

Some super dope scratching on this one from and a bit of Beethoven as well for any fancy pants out there.

#gunshot #battlecreekbrawl #whitechildrix #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
739 followers · 6899 posts · Server

1992 again, I was deep into DJ'ing at this point and went from that quiet kid getting bullied to that weird kid that was good at scratching.

London was kicking off with fresh sounds, where I lived, people were stuck in the Clowncore scene. I couldn't get enough of the fresh sound.

I was a terrible DJ, never played what people wanted to hear, I played what they should be hearing

Gutted I sold this record.

#euphony #justforulondon #bodysnatch #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
739 followers · 6883 posts · Server

1992 was a funny year. The Hardcore rave scene was getting ridiculous, loads of clown music and white gloves everywhere. We also saw the emergence of 'Happy Hardcore'.

I hated Happy Hardcore. I was not a happy youth...

Fortunately I wasn't alone and a more drum focussed music came along. I appreciated the switch away from the clown music as we sought warehouses in South East London and tuned to

#cometogether #edgeofdarkness #rushfm #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
737 followers · 6821 posts · Server

Probably my favourite story is how pivotal Cockney knees up masters were in launching 's career.

What you talkin' bout?

Well, Chas and Dave were the musicians working with the legendary writer and artist when he cut I Got The... So when you hear Em on the radio saying "My name is" understand. THIS IS A CHAS N DAVE rhythm.

Gertcha cow son GERTCHA!

I still wont rate Eminem until I hear him rapping over Rabbit.

#labisiffre #Eminem #chasndave #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
735 followers · 6778 posts · Server

This one was kicking around on white label for a loooong time before it got remixed with vocals which then charted in 1991.

I remember really digging how they'd implemented the drum rolls toward the end of the track. Another for the 6am type vibes.

#bugkhan #plasticjam #reeltoreel #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
716 followers · 6672 posts · Server

As you might have guessed. 90s DJ culture had a big effect on me. I got my first gigs because I was quite good at scratching. But I was nowhere near the level of these guys.

At this time they really were on the top of their game, pushing the boundaries of what could be done on mixers and turntables.

Super innovative!

Here's the aka and

#tonyvegas #primecuts #scratchperverts #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
713 followers · 6618 posts · Server

1990, a great year for sample based music, I wasn't old enough to understand, I'd done some basic MIDI sequencing at school but how these records were made was a mystery.

When I heard this on Dance 93FM I loved how it was mixed by the DJ, Easy O so much, I had to keep playing the tape over and over and over.

A real collection of ruffneck samples from George Clinton, Flava Flav, Gunshot.


#heyruready #hardcore #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
711 followers · 6565 posts · Server

Going back to the 1970s with this one. were a British group playing a mix of Funk, Reggae, Soul and traditional African sounds. In short, they are DOPE!

Sampled by many, notably De La Soul, Tod Terry and The Fugees amongst many. This cut is from their third album - .

I found a live version I've never heard before so enjoy!

#brothersontheslide #promisedheights #cymande #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
713 followers · 6503 posts · Server

A confession. I'm not particularly into and only own the first EP.

I respect what Liam Howlett's achieved, he's super talented producer but he just lost me with Charlie Says. It was coming out of every wack radio in the land and I hated it. (Your Love on the flip is very good though)

But... THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE BANGER. is a hyped up, intensely bleepy, breakbeat monster.


#android #theprodigy #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
713 followers · 6471 posts · Server

It wasn't just Hip Hop and House/Techno acts getting in on the breaks in the late 80s, this classic from The Stone Roses hailed the era where 'traditional' bands got involved with samplers and added some of that .

I first heard at my uncle Garth's flat in Camden sometime in 1989.

Bless up Gareth, safe travels x.

#manchester #indie #foolsgold #thestoneroses #funk #jbs #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
709 followers · 6414 posts · Server

Super underground group from the Kent Coast - That lesser known hub of Hip Hop culture...

First Down put on jams in Hythe and Folkestone in the late 80s and members went on to do some stuff....

The DJ - Clear aka Paul Godfrey formed Morcheeba with his brother Ross.

MC Aroe - Still one of the country's most notorious graffiti artists.

Surprise - Ended up as my boss at a local music charity!

Big up !

#jawwarfare #firstdown #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
705 followers · 6372 posts · Server

Hail up !

The first UK Hip Hop group to rap in their own accents. Until then groups had mimicked American artists but LP used Jamaican DJ styles combined with Cockney geezer personas and the new style was born.

Although must shout out Smiley Culture for the true Cockney Rasta style a few years earlier but that was much more on the Reggae tip.

still holds up today.

#gangsterchronicals #londonposse #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
702 followers · 6331 posts · Server

Yesterday I mentioned two other records that came a good year before

Here's the first, by

Great to hear are part of the history with the sample! This tune sounded absolutely rough on a big system back in the day.

#babylon #boneym #matbeatmanifesto #radiobabylon #weareie #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
702 followers · 6299 posts · Server

Many cite this as the start of music. I disagree and cite earlier work by and at least a year before.

That said (I needed to get it off my chest) this is still a stone cold classic.

I fondly heads running around in the dance shooting each other with gunfingers, cowboy/girl style.

This link incorrectly states this was out in 1990 this was #1991 /watch?v=QanSguVgsGQ

#amen #weareie #reeltoreel #lennydeice #dmagnify #meatbeatmanifesto #drumandbass #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
696 followers · 6259 posts · Server

Possibly the most classic 'wrong' speed track was on records.

This one definitely doesn't get the love it deserves. It's essentially the record that became all the other records. The beats and the 'submarine' noise were sampled on sooo many other tracks. Other records came out that were literally this with a couple of extra noises added on top!


#vinylsolution #depthcharge #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
694 followers · 6220 posts · Server

Another 'wrong speed' classic.

This 6 track EP was only on white label and heavy plays on pirate radio. The first DJ I heard play this at 45 was Rush FM's in 1992. He went on to produce a number of stone cold Jungle classics and is known for really stretching the boundaries of breakbeat choppage.


The vocal samples are taken from the film

#babylon #canttakenomore #satinstorm #remarc #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago

mxtthxw · @mxtthxw
682 followers · 6086 posts · Server

Pre , heads wanted faster and faster beats but enough producers hadn't caught up with the trend.

We used to trick the speed on Walkman motors and then re-record tapes at faster tempos to get that hardcore hit.

Other DJs played records meant for 33rpm at 45rpm.

A particular favourite was this RenegadeSoundwave track

The intro sample is from TV show

#thepersuaders #jungle #ukbreakbeathistory

Last updated 2 years ago