Yesterday had my winter flu vax (no side effects at all, so far). I'm not in a qualifying group for a Covid booster, but the medics were trying everything for me to get it "on the nod" ~ it was clear I could claim any of the qualifying conditions & they would've given me it. But, even though she died last year my mother's voice is strong in my head & I couldn't betray my upbringing. So no Covid booster for me #ukcovid
UK Gov figures for COVID-19 deaths:
Weekly - 448
London shops mostly emptied of Lemsip and other cold & flu remedies, according to a friend
My London friend and I have both (separately) felt unwell for 2 weeks.
Despite the lack of mainstream media coverage, the UK pandemic is still in full swing and #CovidIsNotOver by any means. Will make any headlines? Probably not.
#covidisnotover #ukcovid #wearamask
#WorldlinkResources won their #PPE contracts via referral “onto the VIP lane by fmr Cabinet Minister, Lord #Agnew.” Questions arise over PPE usefulness as well as the relationship btwn PPE contractors & #Tories, with “millions of the goggles procured under the £178m deal” likely ineffectual.
#GoodLawProject #ukcovid #tories #agnew #PPE #worldlinkresources
The Gov Dashboard is now useless for week to week tracking of Covid waves. If you don't test, and you can't report tests, then it looks like Covid is over.
Meanwhile; 10k in hospital with Covid, 873 died in 7 days over Xmas (within 28 days); 400 people in week to 23-Dec and rising (Death Cert); People PCR tested (presumably in Hospital) positivity > 10%, Pretty much no Vax given; Main current VOC BQ.1. No sign of XBB.1.5 yet.
UK Covid test question. If you buy a rapid test over the counter:-
1) Does it have the same ref number and QR code markings as the old free NHS ones?
2) If you try and report the result to the NHS at what happens? I now they say you shouldn't but does it fail?
3) Is there anywhere else to report it using the test's ID number? You can report in the ZOE app but that's just a date and result.
🇬🇧UK FAM🇬🇧
Your chance to let your thoughts be known ends 7th April, Together Declaration have put together a brilliant guide to help you through it.
Take the consultation below (Takes about 5-7mins) #UKcovid
Brits should return to wearing masks in enclosed spaces and not meeting indoors, the Chief Medical Adviser of the U.K. Government Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has said. #masks #ukcovid #plandemic #freedom
#freedom #plandemic #ukcovid #masks
#ukcovid #sweary #violence #idiotslapping
Despite the hashtags, this is hilarious!
#ukcovid #sweary #violence #idiotslapping