I see we now have two interpretations of workplace bullying - the generally accepted employment one and the Raab version. Time to dig out this old post written in response to another bullying minister #HR #ukemplaw
Dominic Raab, proving the standard defence of the bully, I didn’t intend to be one, is no defence at all. #ukemplaw
RT @mhrubenstein: Discrimination: A Guide to the relevant case law should be a key part of an #ukemplaw library. It formulates 1,000+ main principles from reported discrimination cases that still can be regarded as binding authority. Available in print, online, or both
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CaroleTongue/status/1636710349326917632
New #ukemplaw bulletin - Panel Composition in ETs and the EAT - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/panel-composition-in-ets-and-the-eat
New #ukemplaw bulletin - Disability Discrimination - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/disability-discrimination301
New #ukemplaw bulletin - Do you want to be an Employment Judge? - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/do-you-want-to-be-an-employment-judge
New #ukemplaw bulletin - Dismissal and Re-engagement - Draft Code of Practice - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/advert-260289
New #ukemplaw bulletin - Knowledge of Disability - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/advert-260169
New #ukemplaw bulletin - Harpur Trust - Government Consultation - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/harpur-trust-government-consultation
New #ukemplaw bulletin - EAT Checklist - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/eat-checklist
The Tories’ anti-strike bill will only lead to even greater industrial upheaval
RT @DazNewman@twitter.com
The new Strikes Bill has been published. https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill/58-03/0222/220222.pdf
It is not just a repeat of the Transport Strikes Bill - it is much more draconian. It gives the SoS sweeping powers to limit strikes - with no criteria limiting his discretion #ukemplaw
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DazNewman/status/1612838665683718145
New #ukemplaw bulletin - Marital Status Discrimination - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/test-lqzgori32y
Pleased to have been quoted in this HR magazine
piece - you cannot legislate your way out of poor industrial relations, and new laws often make the situation worse #HR #ukemplaw
RT @jyc_gowlingwlg@twitter.com
#AI goes to the heart of the #ukemplaw basis of the employment relationship: trust & confidence. In its relative infancy now, its power is enormous. And, like a super-sized toddler, it is already breaking things & dangerously.
What to do about it? 1/5
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jyc_gowlingwlg/status/1604748389312331777
New #ukemplaw bulletin - Covid-19 Dismissals - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/test-lqzgori32y-260061
New #ukemplaw bulletin - Covid-19 Dismissals - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/test-lqzgori32y-260061
New #ukemplaw bulletin - Tribunal Procedure - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/tribunal-procedure-v4mskt8zs8
New #ukemplaw bulletin - Tribunal Procedure - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/tribunal-procedure-v4mskt8zs8
New #ukemplaw bulletin - Redundancy Compensation - https://mailchi.mp/emplawservices/test-lqzgori32y-260029