"To be brown and Muslim in the UK is to feel, on many levels, how much your life and death mean absolutely nothing." https://www.thecanary.co/opinion/2023/02/22/shamima-begum-losing-her-appeal-proves-the-uk-has-conditional-citizenship/ #ShamimaBegum #Citizenship #UKGovernment #ToryFascism #UKFascism #RefugeesWelcome #AllRefugeesWelcome
#shamimabegum #citizenship #ukgovernment #toryfascism #ukfascism #refugeeswelcome #allrefugeeswelcome
“Even when ‘condemning’ the racists the Home Secretary still manages to get a dig in about asylum seekers.” https://www.thenational.scot/news/23315350.suella-braverman-condemned-shameful-comment-knowsley-protests/ #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumSeekersWelcome #FarRightViolence #UKFascism #ToryFascism #ToryScum#CruellaBraverman #SuellaBraverman #HomeOffice #HostileEnvironment #ToxicEnvironment
#refugeeswelcome #asylumseekerswelcome #farrightviolence #ukfascism #toryfascism #toryscum #suellabraverman #homeoffice #hostileenvironment #toxicenvironment
Sadly everything written or said by the conservatives nowadays is deeply disingenuous.
I'd say outright lies but it's worse than that. It's gaslighting on a massive scale that uses people's desperation against them.
I've come to the conclusion that there is no depth they will not plumb. And if you agree with that you'll understand my concern about the similarities between the UK today & Germany in the 1930's.