The Electronic Wireless Show S2 Episode 19: a Terraria board game, you say? - #TheRPSElectronicWirelessshow #MultiplayerCooperative #MultiplayerCompetitive ##ShergarsHeartSquad #ActionAdventure #PlayStationVita #EngineSoftware #NintendoWiiU #SinglePlayer #Blockbuster #UKGamesExpo #Nintendo3DS #HeadupGames #Platformer ##FatBlood #505Games #Re-Logic #Codeglue #Sideview #Terraria #Strategy #PS3
#ps3 #strategy #terraria #sideview #codeglue #re #505games #fatblood #platformer #headupgames #Nintendo3DS #ukgamesexpo #blockbuster #singleplayer #nintendowiiu #enginesoftware #playstationvita #ActionAdventure #ShergarsHeartSquad #multiplayercompetitive #multiplayercooperative #therpselectronicwirelessshow
Undaunted: Normandy
One of the highlights of #UKGamesExpo was being taught Undaunted by @Simpike.
If you played Up Front or Advanced Squad Leader in the 80s then Undaunted might seem weak, but I really enjoyed it. If you have played Memoir '44 then it's not so different but a little more complex and deeper.
My only reservation is that Scenario 2 was a fixed, solvable puzzle. It's a minor reservation as there are tons of scenarios and campaigns so there is plenty of replay value.
This years #ukgamesexpo haul. 4 blind purchases, and another two solo games to the mix!
My haul from #UKGamesExpo. I was pretty restrained. On a whim I bought two games from the Ragnar Brothers after a good chat with them. I am a big fan of A Brief History of the World and they sold me both games for £25, so I couldn't resist. Both look really interesting.
War of the Ring: The Card Game
We got a good demo at the Ares stand at the #UKGamesExpo.
Interesting 2v2 strategies. Lovely art. I'm clearly an Ian Brody fanboy as he designed both this and QMG:1914.
Beacon Patrol
Cooperative Carcassonne-on-sea. Not my kind of game, but perfectly pleasant and a lot more thought-provoking than I was expecting.
My least favourite game of #UKGamesExpo
Supposed to be an entry-level 18xx, but it still took over 3 hours with 3 players and I got murdered by regular 18xx players. I also knew I had lost at the 90 minute mark.
18xx is also supposed to feel historic with real-world maps. This is totally abstract.
I have played two attempts at making 18xx more accessible, this and 1829 Mainline, and they both failed completely.
Quartermaster General: 1914
My favourite game of #ukgamesexpo. We got a full demo with an oversized set. Simple for a wargame, fast-playing, plenty of strategy, enough history. Lots of interaction. Brilliant.
If I had to rank the days of #UKGamesExpo descending, I would rate them: Friday, Sunday, Saturday. Saturday is always too busy, hard to navigate, and features a lot of wandering around trying to get spaces at the tables you want. Today was a typical Saturday.
With that being said, The games I played at #ukge2023 , Day 2:
Pyramido: a great little Abstract, which is like Kindgomino with an extra dimension - building upwards, in steps. Really fun, and, fourth purchase.
If I had to rank the days of #UKGamesExpo descending, I would rate them: Friday, Sunday, Saturday. Saturday is always too busy, hard to navigate, and features a lot of wandering around trying to get spaces at the tables you want. Today was a typical Saturday.
With that being said, The games I played at #ukge2023 , Day 2:
From this moment on, this account is solely going to be Board Gaming content for the rest of the weekend so feel free to mute me if you need too #ukge2023 #UKGE #UKGamesExpo #ukgamesexpo2023
#ukge2023 #ukge #ukgamesexpo #ukgamesexpo2023
Savage Worlds at UK Games Expo This Weekend #SavageWorlds #UKGamesExpo #Convention #Events #News
#SavageWorlds #ukgamesexpo #Convention #Events #news
Hello, beautiful people! ☺️ Is anyone driving to #UKGamesExpo from Central London to make it in time for the gates opening on Friday?
With the trains in shambles, I was hoping someone might have two free seats. My friend and I are happy to split Gas and/or bring a snack!
#ukgamesexpo #ukge2023 #boardgames
GMS Tabletop Games, Savage Worlds, & UK Games Expo #SavageWorlds #UKGamesExpo #Pinnacle #Events #News
#SavageWorlds #ukgamesexpo #Pinnacle #Events #news
Due to an increasingly tight budget this year I am desperately trying not to buy anymore games so I can save and splurge at UK Games Expo, but it is not easy 😅
#boardgames #tabletopgaming #ukgamesexpo #tabletopgames #boardgamers
#boardgames #tabletopgaming #ukgamesexpo #tabletopgames #boardgamers