It's that time of the night that we need to remember that #TheWeatherProphets were a fucking extraordinary band:
wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle
wi-gle wi-gle wiggggg
#worminmybrain #80sindie #creationrecords #ukindie #indie #theweatherprophets
On the day in 1990 The Sundays released one of the greatest indie albums of all time. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic #1990 #TheSundays
#RoughTradeRecords #ukindie
#thesundays #roughtraderecords #ukindie
RIP Martin Duffy.
#Felt #IWIllDieWithMyHeadInFlames #UKIndie #80sIndie #CreationRecords #CherryRedRecords
#cherryredrecords #creationrecords #80sindie #ukindie #iwilldiewithmyheadinflames #felt
Okay, here's a yell out into the Fediverse:
Does anyone else miss #IndietracksFestival as much as I do?
Is there any way, in this post-Covid world, of bringing it back slowly? Say, starting with just one all-dayer?
Is anyone in touch with the last organisers? Would they be able to help?
I have a lot of great memories:
#Indietracks #Indiepop #DIY #Twee #SarahRecords #UKIndie #MidlandsRailway #Butterley
#butterley #midlandsrailway #ukindie #sarahrecords #twee #diy #indiepop #indietracks #indietracksfestival
We're new to Mastadon, what's the score here then?
I have too many interests, but luckily Mastodon gives lots of characters, so here's a list of things that I'd love to talk about as an #introduction.
Tech/Games: #Apple #AtariVCS #FOSS #Linux #MisterFPGA #RetroVideoGames #Shmups #SwitchCorps
Music: #CompactDisc #ConfidenceMan #DepecheMode #Dreampop #KLF #MBV #NewOrder #PetShopBoys #Ride #SaintEtienne #Shoegaze #UKIndie #Vinyl
Films/TV: #MIFF #StarWars #TwinPeaks
Other: #Espresso #Melbourne
#nhl #ride #confidenceman #compactdisc #retrovideogames #Linux #FOSS #introduction #vinyl #ukindie #twinpeaks #switchcorps #starwars #shoegaze #shmups #saintetienne #petshopboys #neworder #misterfpga #miff #melbourne #mbv #klf #espresso #dreampop #depechemode #Canucks #atarivcs #apple
I have too many interests, but luckily Mastodon gives me more characters, so here's an alphabetical list of things that I'd love to talk about.
#compactdiscs #dreampop #ukindie #apple #atarivcs #canucks #depechemode #espresso #klf #mbv #melbourne #Miff #misterfpga #mistyrobot #neworder #nhl94 #petshopboys #playdate #saintetienne #shmups #shoegaze #starwars #switchcorps #twinpeaks #vinyl