Quick heads up for anyone who is, like me, increasingly disillusioned with the Guardian these days. You can get a year's digital subscription to the Independent, premium content included, for £20 at the moment.
#Independent #UKJournalism
Brilliant, brilliant point made by Jolyon Maugham of The Good Law Project, on the complicity of the media in facilitating and perpetuating Johnson's political career:
"To all those journalists who are calling Johnson a liar now. Why didn't you call him a liar then? During the referendum? In the Prorogation? During Covid? That was your job - not kicking him now because he's finished. We've paid a terrible price because you didn't do it."
#UKPolitics #UKJournalism
Seven years today since the Grenfell Tower disaster. Absolutely NOTHING has changed. And there's absolutely NOTHING about it in the papers. Plenty of whining from Johnson and Dorries though, and Labour sniping at the Tories.
#FFS #UKJournalism #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #ukjournalism #ffs #restinpeace
Ofcom finds GB News in breach of broadcasting rules for a second time
#ofcom #ukmedia #journalism #covid19 #covid #coronavirus #ukjournalism #freespeech #naomiwolf #misinformation #falseinformation #falsenews #impartiality #broadcast #broadcastmedia #TV #vaccines #health #NHS
#nhs #health #vaccines #tv #broadcastmedia #broadcast #impartiality #falsenews #falseinformation #misinformation #naomiwolf #freespeech #ukjournalism #Coronavirus #covid #COVID19 #journalism #ukmedia #ofcom