The one thing that really depresses me with this #UKLocalElection is #Labour & #LibDems banging about their #Wins. They are going to totally bury the idea of any #ProportionalRepresentation and they will get smashed again under First pass the post sooner rather than later
#uklocalelection #labour #LibDems #wins #proportionalrepresentation
If you live in the UK, how are you going to vote in your local election today? #ukpolitics #UKLocalElection #councilelections
#ukpolitics #uklocalelection #councilelections
Voter ID: One in four unaware they need ID to vote in May elections
How can so many still be unaware of this?
I've heard / read about it so many times now over the past few months.
OK, politics is a real turn-off to many, but even so.
#uklocalelection #voterid #ukpol