How is Camilla Queen-consort? and Prince Phillip was never King-consort?
#ukmonarchy #question #coronation
I'm not *that* hung up about the monarchy, especially as we've only just dodged the bullet of having a "President Boris" foisted on us by oligarchs and tax-dodgers. Let some poor sod cop for the "theoretical head of state" gig by accident of birth, though the spending on it needs pruning drastically. If I ever do become full-on republican it'll be because of the fawning drivel imposed on the British public by courtier journalists.
Richard Holme's discussion of "subjecthood" is interesting to read 30 years later, by the way.
#uklaw #ukpolitics #ukmonarchy #BuyIntoArt #artmatters #NotMyKing #AbolishTheMonarchy #abolishmonarchy #UKMonarchy #art #artforsale #artonmastodon #ayearforart #artistsonmastodon #uk #artist
#BuyIntoArt #artmatters #NotMyKing #AbolishTheMonarchy #abolishmonarchy #ukmonarchy #art #artforsale #artonmastodon #ayearforart #artistsonmastodon #uk #artist
This actually made me laugh out loud. Just like that emojii thingy.
#COVID19 #ukmonarchy