Sudha Murty, author and philanthropist trended on Twitter after her interview on her food preferences went viral. Speaking to food critic Kunal Vijjayakar, Sudha expressed her biggest worry about being a vegetarian. Sudha said, "What if the same spoon is used for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food?" Soon, Twitter users posted an image of UK PM Rishi Sunak and her son-in-law, Rishi Sunak, carrying two plates full of meat. Netizens slammed Sudha for being "over simplistic." Watch this video to know more. #sudhamurty #trolling #rishisunak #vegetarian #food #nonvegfood #trending #viral #interview #worry #spoon #ukpm Hindustan Times Videos bring you news, views and explainers about current issues in India and across the globe. We’re always excited to report the news as quickly as possible, use new technological tools to reach you better and tell stories with a 360 degree view to give you a better understanding of the world around you.
#RishiSunak #FoodPics #Viral #SudhaMurty #FoodFearConfession
#sudhamurty #trolling #rishisunak #vegetarian #food #nonvegfood #trending #viral #interview #worry #spoon #ukpm #foodpics #foodfearconfession
Child protection online:
Rishi Sunak, UK’s prime minister, has a big Tory rebellion on his hands, re the new internet safety law currently going through parliament.
“ Under the rebels' proposals, senior managers at tech firms could face up to two years in jail if they breach new duties to keep children safe online. The provision would not apply to search engines.
These duties include taking "proportionate measures" to stop children seeing harmful material, including through measures such as age verification, taking content down, and parental controls.”
#UKPolitics #www #InternetSafety #politics #RishiSunak #Sunak #UKPM #children #ChildrensSafety #InternetLaw
#ukpolitics #www #internetsafety #politics #rishisunak #Sunak #ukpm #children #childrenssafety #internetlaw
RT Steve Barclay. How did someone that ignorant get to be in charge of the Health Service. Oh yes all started with #BorisJohnsonTheWorstPM then #LizTrussGoneIn2TicksPM now we have #RichManHatesPoorManSunakPM destroying the #UKPM Give me strength
#ukpm #richmanhatespoormansunakpm #liztrussgonein2tickspm #borisjohnsontheworstpm