@SocraticEthics What are the #Vatniks going to do about the millions of #Russian #history textbooks that have been foolishly printing the #truth about #Stalin for decades?! 😂
Will people be sent to the #gulag if an offending textbook is found during searches of attics? 😂
#vatniks #russian #history #truth #stalin #gulag #RussiaIsATerroristState #ukrainemustwin #StandWithUkraine
If the west would take the Ukraine War seriously and would want Ukraine to win, there would be a plan for delivering before the end of the year:
400 MBTs
200 Artillery
100 breaching and engineering vehicles
1000 IFVs and APCs
100 SHORAD vehicles
Sufficient amounts of SRBMs or Cruise Missiles to destroy the Kerch Bridge beyond repair
The fact that this is not happening, shows that the west still is only reacting and not acting.
#Ukraine #NAFO #ukrainemustwin
#ukraine #NAFO #ukrainemustwin
@EugeneMcParland Magnifique! ❤️
#UkraineMustWin so #UkraineWillWin. #NAFO
#ukrainemustwin #UkraineWillWin #nafo #StandWithUkraine #SlavaUkraini #heroiamslava
#UkraineMustWin so #UkraineWillWin !
#StandWithUkraine , or lie down with #sunflower seeds.
#ukrainemustwin #UkraineWillWin #StandWithUkraine #sunflower
#Russia shells volunteers as they try to evacuate civilians from a disastrous flood that #Russia caused. It doesn't get more diabolical than that. Russia must be defeated.
#Russia #ukrainemustwin #russiaukrainewar #Ukraine
~ Former Russian defense minister joins Wagner PMC ~
Shoigu has his own PMC 'Patriot' and this looks to be a consolidating of Wagner into the MoD
Prigozhin's been shooting his mouth off for too long 🤣
#ukraine #ukrainemustwin #russiaisafailedstate
✊ 🇺🇦 ✊ 🇺🇦
A huge (HUGE!) group of Ukrainian soldiers, ready to fight the evil
~ ‘Our society will open its eyes and stand in horror’ ~
Vladimir Kara-Murza, charged with treason and facing a 25-year sentence, addresses the court
At the conclusion of his trial in Moscow, the Russian opposition politician Vladimir Kara-Murza addressed the court, declining to express “remorse for his misdeeds” or to plead with the judges for mercy. The anti-Putin dissident is charged with disinformation about the Russian military, complicity with an undesirable organization (a charge connected to the political foundation Open Russia), and, finally, with high treason. Based on the accumulated charges, the prosecution has asked the court for a 25-year sentence, despite the fact that, after surviving two poisoning attempts, Kara-Murza suffers from lower-body polyneuropathy, listed as one of the conditions that should legally preclude a person from serving a prison sentence. The politician has been in custody since April 2022
#ukrainemustwin #freedomforrussia
“We are not going to forget anything.”
🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 ✊ 🕯️
This is President Zelenskyy’s core message and this will repercussions which will not even end when this war has been concluded on the battlefield. History is full of examples where perpetrators sooner or later got caught, one way or the other. Ask Adolf Eichmann or Osama bin Laden.
Thank you, Canada 🇨🇦 ✊ 🇺🇦
Great to see materiel on it's way!
A Convoy of Armoured Vehicles of Ukrainian. KrAZ "Spartan, KrAZ "Cobra, Kozak, as well as Canadian armoured vehicles Roshel Senator, led by two captured BTR-82A, go to support the southern front
It's 'ON 👍🇺🇦✊💪
Ukraine gives Russia two options: Leave Crimea peacefully or be ready for battle
Oh no! Anyway... 🤣 🤣 🤣
Looks like Putler just got dumped by his bestest buddy :kekw:
~ China’s Ambassador to the E.U. Tries to Distance Beijing From Moscow ~
⚠️ The ambassador, Fu Cong, said China was *not* on Russia’s side in the war in Ukraine ⚠️
“‘No limit’ is nothing but rhetoric,” he said, referring to a statement from last year about the countries’ relationship.
#ukraine #ukrainemustwin #russiaisafailedstate
Well, this is sheer brilliance! 😅
The hacktivists of "Cyber Resistance" punished Z-volunteer Mikhail Luchin.
They hacked his email and charged $25,000 worth of adult toys to his card, which is linked to AliExpress. He planned to spend the money to buy #drones for the #Russian #army.
🤣 🤣 🤣
#drones #russian #army #ukraine #ukrainemustwin
⚠️ There you go - Strelkov's finally called it :kekw:
Terrorist Girkin-Strelkov:
Russia is moving towards military defeat.
#ukraine #ukrainemustwin #russiaisafailedstate
🇬🇧 Speech:
Astounding levels of incompetence in the Russian military leadership have eroded Russia’s military reputation: UK statement to the OSCE -
UK military advisor, Ian Stubbs, says the staggering casualties suffered by Russia around Bakhmut have had significant impact on personnel and munition stocks.
Hilarious! 🤣 🤣 🤣
THIS was the sum total roll up to Pro-Russia-Pro-Putin "Aussie Cossack" Simon Boikov's "rally" in Sydney
(Boikov being a convicted wife-basher and assaulted of elderly Ukrainian protestors, currently in hiding in the Russian consulate in Sydney)
Motorcycle cop looks INCREDIBLY bored :kekw:
#aus #ukraine #ukrainemustwin #russiaisafailedstate
⚠️ Wagner Scandal ⚠️
Ivan Rossomakhin, a Wagner fighter and convicted murderer has sent shockwaves through Russian society.
Whilst on leave from the front, he returned to his home town of Novy Burets and began what locals called 'a reign of terror and murder'.
He started by 'vandalizing property and threatening to kill everyone in the town'. He was detained by police who, for some reason, released him for 24hrs before formally arresting him.
It was during this 24hrs that he allegedly stabbed and beat a woman to death
He was then arrested on suspicion of murder and admitted his guilt.
Locals are outraged that he was allowed out of prison to serve on the front, and to return home to commit further crimes.
The local police's failure to arrest him sooner is now the subject of investigation.
#ukraine #ukrainemustwin #RussiaIsATerroristState
Seems that Putler is running out of friends 🤣 🤣 🤣
Russian Ally Armenia Warns Putin: Don’t Visit—or You’ll Get Arrested
Great News!
Finland is IN!!! 👍 👍 👍
NATO membership fully approved by Turkey, with 0 nay votes! ✊ 🇫🇮 ✊
Russia's border with NATO just DOUBLED - well done Putler 🤣 🤣 🤣
#nato #finland #ukrainemustwin