“The fascist greeting “Glory to Ukraine!” (Slava Ukraїni!) had been invented in the early 1920s by the League of Ukrainian Fascists, which later merged with the OUN.”


#denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago

Curious position all these “patriotic” Ukrainians are holding their right arms in. It's almost some sort of salute. Perhaps they held their arms like that and shouted slogans like “Slava Ukraini” and “Sieg Heil!”?

#denazification #abolishNATO #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago

“Bandera and Stetsko were … sent to Sachsenhausen concentration camp but in comparatively comfortable confinement.” Breitman and Goda (74).

ISBN: 9781300347354

#denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago

, Antony Blinken, and Victoria "cookies for Nazis" Nuland frog-marched together in shackles to the dock at The Hague when?

#joebiden #denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS #bidenswar

Last updated 2 years ago

Never forget that the last time fascist followers of Stepan Bandera joined forces with the German Wehrmacht to use The Ukraine as a staging ground against Moscow, it ended up with Moscow liberating the concentration camps of The Ukraine, crushing Ukrainian and German Nazis forces, and leaving T-34s in Berlin.

#denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago

Never forget that the last time fascist followers of Stepan Bandera joined forces with the German Wehrmacht to use The Ukraine as a staging ground against Moscow, it ended up with Moscow liberating the concentration camps of The Ukraine, causing Ukrainian and German Nazis forces, and leaving T-34s in Berlin.

#denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago

It can't be a coincidence that the other shipment of tanks to the Banderite Regime in Kiev is for 14 tanks. Sorry, but the 1488 thing isn't a dogwhistle, but rather a foghorn to Nazis in Ukraine, Europe, and the US empire.

#denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago


As we're poised to once more see German main battle tanks roll across the steppe in support of their Ukrainian Banderite Nazi allies with turrets pointed at Moscow, it's no small irony that they're sending "88 tanks". H/T Wisconsin State Journal.

#denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago

“The xenophobic, antidemocratic, and anti-Semitic nationalism of the [Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists] meshed easily with Nazism…” villagevoice.com/2020/02/26/to

#ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS #denazification #abolishNATO

Last updated 2 years ago

“Only If They Aren’t Black”? Remember that Estonian fascists, like the Ukrainian Banderite Nazis composing the 14th Grenadier Waffen-SS Division (1st Ukrainian), supplied eager volunteers for the 20th Grenadier Waffen-SS Division (1st Estonian).

#denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago

“Only If They Aren’t Black”? Remember that Estonian fascists, like the Ukrainian Banderite Nazis composing the 14th Grenadier Waffen-SS Division (1st Ukrainian), supplied eager volunteers for the 20th Grenadier Waffen-SS Division (1st Estonian).

#denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago

2/2 “Ukrainians dressed in folk costumes welcomed Hans Frank, the governor of the General Government, while marching in front of him and other Nazis, and collectively performing fascist salutes.” researchgate.net/publication/2

#denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago

2/2 “Ukrainians dressed in folk costumes welcomed Hans Frank, the governor of the General Government, while marching in front of him and other Nazis, and collectively performing fascist salutes.” researchgate.net/publication/2

#denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago

1/2 “Every time he mentioned the name “Adolf Hitler,” the people in embroidered shirts and dresses became delirious and clapped.” researchgate.net/publication/2

#denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago

1/2 “Every time he mentioned the name “Adolf Hitler,” the people in embroidered shirts and dresses became delirious and clapped.” researchgate.net/publication/2

#denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine #ukrainianNAZIS

Last updated 2 years ago