Very good point from
Thomas Kelly at #UKSGNov that technicians may make a more substantial contribution to an article than some of the authors on the list... Is there a class system still built into our publications? (yes, the answer is yes)
Fascinating work from Leicester on #intersectionality being presented at #UKSGNov
#Research4Life at #UKSGNov - access to 169k books, 40k journals for free / v low cost in LMICs
Hannah Boroudjou and Danielle Stubbs described the Earll Development Community and its fabulous work to support early career professionals - unfortunately we ran out of time for questions! #UKSGNov
Ginger Pig is intruding on #UKSGNov - he wants to see more traineeships made available!
Technical difficulties resolved #UKSGNov - we're going to hear about early career initiatives now!
Fascinating insights from Shaouli Shahid, Curtin Universities, on the unique challenges of #Indigenous #research as opposed to western research norms. Research in a culture of mistrust due to past exploitation, colonialism. Importance of reflexive practice. #UKSGNov
#uksgnov #research #indigenous
A selection of great resources on ableism in academia shared by our first speakers at #UKSGNov
Today is #UKSGNov and we're talking about #DiversityEquityInclusion, starting with Josie Caplehorne and Jennifer Leigh on ableism and exclusion
#diversityequityinclusion #uksgnov