At the next election we’ll have a choice between:
* a party that protects profit, wealth, the engine of capitalism, the shrinking of the state and a complete demurral on human rights (esp for refugees and trans people).
* the Tories
WTF happened to us???
#UK #politics #refugees #uktransphobia #labour #Tories
We have to ensure people who don't follow LGBTQ issues see what is being said and done here.
If they can see what the GCs stand for, they'll help us drown them out. I'm going to try it, anyway.
I'll finish by adding: rest in peace, Brianna. Murder is a tragedy, and it feels doubly-so when the victim is so young. My thoughts are with your family, friends and loved ones. 3/3
#transrightsarehumanrights #lgbtq #uktransphobia
There's also no doubt in my mind that the GCs are pleased with their friendly ghouls over at the Telegraph and Times. Deadnaming a murdered schoolgirl. Making sure to stay on-message.
They’re glad there’s one fewer disgusting little trans being a ‘huge problem to a sane world’, they just hope some lunatic like L*nehan doesn't say it out-loud. Then they might look bad! 2/3
#transrightsarehumanrights #lgbtq #uktransphobia
I’ve no doubt the GenderCrits are *very* worried about the murder of #BriannaGhey.
Specifically, they’re worried that one of their members will slip, and say the quiet part out loud. They’re worried the masses might now make a link between the nonstop dehumanising of us and this senseless tragedy.
They're worried this might look bad on them, so no doubt they're prepping the best spin they can muster. 1/3
#briannaghey #transrightsarehumanrights #lgbtq #uktransphobia
The Telegraph running #Tavistock hit pieces on the same day the UK news media exploded with the brutal murder of a literal trans child is too much. F*ck these collaborators. I'm so done today.
There's a war on #trans youth right now, and your hamster cage liner of a newspaper is leading the charge. #NormalIsland #uktransphobia
#Tavistock #trans #NormalIsland #uktransphobia
If anyone in the UK should run into Howard from Halifax please don’t approach him. Make yourself look as big as possible and make a loud noise to scare him away, then immediately call the authorities. He’s been seen rabbiting absolute nonsense online and we’re concerned for his health.
#uktransphobia #howard #UK #lgbtq
Laura Webster on twitter:
"BREAKING: The UK is blocking the gender recognition reform bill, which is within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament, under never-used-before provisions of the Scotland Act.
If they can stop this, they can stop any of our legislation."
#uktransphobia #ukpolitics #IndependentScotland
Via @kjcharles (on twitter):
"The UK Government has put into motion worrying restrictions on trans people’s rights.
We have a tiny window to challenge this - please email your MP and ask them to stand up for what's right, and call on the UK Gov to show trans people respect."