A depressing website highlighting the current state of the UK's waterways. Cute. Gross. But also leads to a petition.
(Borrowing their hashtag & tweaking their UTM parameters to put the Fediverse into their statistics)
#fixthisshit #ukwater #ukpolitics #38degrees
The UK had safe water. Then Brexit allowed the Tories to flush away our environmental standards - The Guardian https://apple.news/Ac1AIncAbR_eRXQIqOG69wQ #ukpolitics #tories #ukwater #uk
#ukpolitics #tories #ukwater #uk
I just signed a petition to bring Thames Water into public ownership, because I'm hoping that more can be done around the country.
This is one visit into Durham City, close to our home. Normally it's green and blue and beautiful. Now it's often disgusting and brown.
#ukpolitics #uk #ukwater #water
I live in Devon. I am under a hosepipe ban. My supplier (South West Water) is very kindly suggesting some "easy wins" for me to save water, like taking less time in the shower, or using my washing machine less. It reckons that this way my household could save 12 litres per person per day, for a total of 48 litres saved per day, or about 18,000 litres per year. Sounds like a lot, right?
Yeah. The thing is, South West Water (in common with the other privatised water companies) lost 90 *million* litres *per day* in leaks in the last year for which data are available (https://www.ofwat.gov.uk/publication/leakage-dataset-march-2023/). And even that is likely a significant under-estimate, because it's under investigation by the regulator on suspicion of mis-reporting its leak figures. It has also paid out £112M in dividends to shareholders this week, while kindly putting my bills up, so sorry, we need money for investment to stop dumping all this sewage we're dumping. Illegally.
My little 48 litres is a literal drop in the ocean. Why on Earth would I put myself out when it will make not a blind bit of difference to the water available for general use?
In absolute terms, 18kl per year feels like a lot, granted. But the sheer effrontery of coming to me effectively cap in hand while handing out an actual fortune to their shareholders makes me want to just leave all my taps running.
South-West Water: Take the beam out of your own eye. Fix your flood of leaks before you come asking me to inconvenience myself to save (relatively speaking) drops. You've got the money for it, or at least you did before you gave it to your shareholders. Scum.
#uk #water #leaks #ukwater #devon #hosepipeban #southwestwater #nationaliseukwater
#uk #water #leaks #ukwater #devon #HosepipeBan #southwestwater #nationaliseukwater
it's disgraceful, publicly invested infrastructure being carved up, sold piece by piece and then left to rot. The competition watchdogs are clearly just for show and have no actual teeth. #ukwater #ukwaters #waterindustry #UKSewage
#ukwater #ukwaters #waterindustry #UKSewage
Water companies say sorry and promise to get their shit together, boast about new investment but make sure that costs will be recouped from customers through "unspecified increases in their bills."
Meanwhile, privatised water and sewage companies in the UK paid £1.4bn in dividends in 2022, up from £540m the previous year. Annual bonuses paid to water company executives rose by 20% in 2021.
Thanks to the brilliant #FeargalSharkey the whole country understands the ugly truth about the appalling state of our waterways and the utter failure of the government, regulators and water industry to do their job properly. #waterpollution #sewage #waterquality #ukwater
#feargalsharkey #waterpollution #sewage #waterquality #ukwater
Ladies and gentlemen... the Conservatives. Making the world worse since... forever.