Mudei porque Ulauncher não gosta de Wayland; mas agora semelha que é Tangram o que não gosta de X11 🤷🙈
#ubuntu #ulauncher #tangram #eayland #x11
@olivergrimm @thelinuxEXP Yep. I’ve been using #ULauncher in Cinnamon primarily, but when I can’t remember the app’s name, a graphical launcher where I can organize my apps is handy.
I am also trying to use GNOME’S concept of workspaces instead of minimizing app windows to a panel or dock. My small touchpad (by modern standards) will occasionally balk at GNOME’S three-finger gestures, however.
Question to my fell #ulauncher users: I am using my desktop in german, on fedora ulauncher automatically uses the german names of applications, however on anything that is ubuntu based it sticks to english and I can't figure out, how to change that.
Any suggestions?
Reviewing the Markdown table creator, a useful extension for Ulauncher.
#linux #opensource #foss #Ulauncher #markdown #MarkdownTables
#MarkdownTables #markdown #ulauncher #foss #opensource #linux
Dopo mesi passati a ragionare su quale password manager migrare penso di aver fatto una scelta buona e interessante.
#Bitwarden pareva attraente, ma alla fine ho optato per un approccio brutale al problema: ho configurato pass ( per sincronizzarsi con un repo git sul mio server casalingo, si integra perfettamente con #Firefox, #Ulauncher e #Android.
Dopo una settimana d'uso mi sta dando molte più gioie di quanto avessi potuto immaginare!
#android #ulauncher #firefox #bitwarden
#ViernesDeEscritorio #EscritorioGNULinux #DesktopFriday #GNU / #Linux #I3wm #i3blocks #ULauncher #LinuxMint #DraculaTheme #Tabby
#linux #i3wm #tabby #showyourlinuxdesktopfriday #escritoriognulinux #i3blocks #ulauncher #linuxmint #draculatheme #viernesdeescritorio #desktopfriday #gnu
Hoy es #ViernesDeEscritorio y mi #EscritorioGNULinux es
#linuxmint #Intel #i5
(Laptop #hp + 24" #Acer)
#i3wn #Sublime #alacritty #tmux #Ulauncher #draculatheme #vim #ranger
Los fondos no les puedo dar crédito ☹, no se de donde salieron
#gnu #linux #opensource
#viernesdeescritorio #escritoriognulinux #linuxmint #intel #i5 #hp #acer #i3wn #sublime #alacritty #tmux #ulauncher #draculatheme #vim #ranger #gnu #linux #opensource
#Ulauncher turned out to be a very convenient thing. I've installed it a couple of days ago, and it has clicked right into my workflow as if it's always been there.
I love it how Linux allows for a wide use of keyboard. It's not an accessibility thing for me, pure convenience. Still, I like to be able to rely on keyboard.
That's why I really hate what #Veracrypt is doing - or, rather, not doing. Not a single hotkey on the Linux version, including force dismount. Ugh.
Yo prefiero #Ulauncher es el que tengo en mi sistema, pero dejo por aquí este articulo para que comparéis otros.
#GNU/ #Linux #Lanzadores
Ulauncher y #Synapse: 2 excelentes lanzadores de #aplicaciones para Linux vía @
#linux #ulauncher #synapse #gnu #lanzadores #aplicaciones
ULauncher - Application launcher for Linux with a lot of plugins to extends your launcher. #Sysadmin #Launcher #Linux #ULauncher by
#sysadmin #launcher #linux #ulauncher
@mooshoe I tried #ulauncher for a bit after seeing a recommendation in here, and it works great except after a little while it spikes to using 25% of my CPU and becomes laggy as hell.
It might be running some kind of indexing, but there's no indication that's what's going on and in either case it's kind of overdoing it when it runs that poorly.