Scimmia di Mare :unverified: · @Madmonkey
1608 followers · 6496 posts · Server

Poiché dovrò rendere al 99% il cellulare che ho preso (un rugged ricondizionato, Armor 17 Pro), cosa potrei prendere di "etico"?

Escludo il che è fuori budget.

#MastoConsiglio #mastoaiuto #ulefone #Faiphone

Last updated 1 year ago

garethmyles · @garethmyles
24 followers · 49 posts · Server

Tech Addicts Podcast – Sunday 26th March – Pixel me this

This week the Pixel Fold and Pixel 8 renders, Xiaomi 13 Ultra international, upcoming Samsung Galaxy device, rugged tablets are all the rage and Retroid Pocket Flip loo

#Xiaomi #Windows #ulefone #sony #sofirn #samsung #Retroid #pixel8 #pixel #oukitel #oppo #Nokia #Microsoft #iPhone #huawei #honor #Google #doogee #ctl #Apple #techaddicts #Podcast

Last updated 2 years ago

@tedcurran @PKYo

My has a mode called . It includes individual toggles for both touch input and mobile data, plus an app allow-list with a configurable time limit. IIRC, this is one of several custom features/tweaks that Ulefone adds to their otherwise pretty plain vanilla -based .

Buuuut... I'm guessing you're probably not interested in switching phone brands over a single feature like this. 😜 Perhaps it would be possible to hack something together with (or a similar app), and use the same that Ulefone used for their Child Space mod?

#ulefone #android #childrenspace #aosp #roms #tasker #apis

Last updated 2 years ago

Lari Lohikoski · @lari
773 followers · 1472 posts · Server

Kävin hiihtolenkillä ja puhelimen akun varaus putosi melkein täydestä 25 prosenttiin. Pakkasta ei ollut kuin viitisen astetta, mutta sitäkään ei Samsung näköjään kestä.

Aloin katselemaan pakkaskestoa lupaavia puhelimia. Löytyykö keneltäkään kokemusta näistä -puhelimista? Kertovat täyttävänsä MIL-STD-810G -sotilasstandardin, joka takaisi toimivuuden myös äärilämpötiloissa.

Liikun usein kylmässä, märässä ja kaukana, luotettava puhelin tarpeellinen turvavaruste.


Last updated 2 years ago

I've been a rugged smartphone fanboy for a few years now. Whenever I get a new one, I always it right away, and rip out all the privacy-invading stuff that most Chinese smartphone manufacturers embed in their . It's a bit of a pain, but usually worth it in the long run.

Well, I picked up their latest flagship phone, the , but I goofed something up on my first attempt to root it last week, resulting in a softbrick/bootloop. My attempts to resurrect it using my Windows 10 laptop all met with failure, and I was beginning to lose hope. But then I read in a PDF somewhere that SP Flash Tool (the software required to flash softbricked Mediatek-based phones) only supports Windows 7 (⁉️).


#ulefone #root #roms #powerarmor18t

Last updated 2 years ago

UNWIRE.HK · @unwirehk_mirror
4 followers · 120 posts · Server

【評測】Ulefone Armor 16 Pro 外形  手感 喇叭 功能 效能開箱評測
今時今日,不少品牌推出的手機,要不就是全部功能強勁硬件規格高階的旗艦手機,再來就是平價先訣可應付日常生活的入門 […]The post 【評測】Ulefone Armor 16 Pro 外形  手感 喇叭 功能 效能開箱評測 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
16 Pro

#手提電話 #評測 #armor #ulefone

Last updated 2 years ago

alieninvader · @alieninvader
78 followers · 899 posts · Server

Ich habe gerade festgestellt, dass es für mein mit Android 9 ein Update auf gibt.
Mein Telefon läuft gut und absolut zufriedenstellend. Lohnt sich da das update?

#ulefone #armorX5 #Android11

Last updated 3 years ago

しょーざお · @shozao
28 followers · 1326 posts · Server
しょーざお · @shozao
28 followers · 1326 posts · Server