Significantly one #labour controlled #outerlondon #borough has responded already by announcing its own supplementary scheme. That must have taken some courage in that the party there contains influential anti- #ulezextension and anti-khan elements.
#labour #outerlondon #borough #ulezextension
#ulezextension latest - breaking news
#SadiqKhan has announced a further £ 50 million for the scrappage scheme. This will be funded from reserves - equivalent to finding loose change at the back of the sofa! Effectively the scheme will no longer be means tested - which should save a bit on administration and takes his approach closer to those of #clementattlee and #williambeveridge - both well known ultra-leftists! .
#ulezextension #sadiqkhan #clementattlee #williambeveridge
There were two issues about #ulez - the extension itself and the way the local #labour campaign in #uxbridgeandsouthruislip handled it. The #ulezextension was bound to be problematic because of the way the #conservative government had both mandated it and made it costly and difficult to mitigate its impact on those affected by its introduction. Concerns about it were bound to be particularly marked shortly before it was due to come into effect - another timing issue with the byelection.
#ulez #labour #uxbridgeandsouthruislip #ulezextension #conservative