Do you know that there are non-venomous spiders? This project started from a 1931 hand-drawn observation that Uloboridae spiders do not carry a functional venom system.
With histological, RNAseq and bioinformatics work led by the great Giulia Zancolli and master student Xiaojing Peng, we confirm that Uloboridae 🕷️ have lost venom glands , but find that they produce putative neurotoxins in the digestive gland. #EvoDevo #spider #Uloboridae #GeneExpression #venom #toxin
#evodevo #spider #uloboridae #geneexpression #venom #toxin
Die Gewächshaus-Federfußspinne (Uloborus plumipes) findet man in fast jedem Baumarkt an Kakteen usw.
Ich habe die 5 mm kleine Spinne auf meiner Fensterbank angesiedelt und konnte sie beim Beutefang beobachten.
#Spinnen #spiders #arachnidae #spider #Araneidae #Uloboridae #nature
#spinnen #spiders #arachnidae #spider #araneidae #uloboridae #nature