& those expectations were probably not unwarranted?
but nevertheless, if you were, let's say, a v edgy & somewhat isolated child who had almost narily ever played a video game on personal computer & then you were met with the intro video for ultima VIII? Well, it was all over for you & you were almost certainly locked into having An Unpopular Opinion About A Video Game for the rest of your life.
I do not think I am a good composer for fantasy soundtracks, but I also never had a good gig to try it on.
Regardless, I do enjoy listening to a lot of it!
March 15 1994 - Ultima VIII: Pagan was released, right? I would love to interview Nenad Vugrinec and ask him about that! I should maybe start a series of interviews with famous game composers, as an excuse to learn from them myself ;)
#fantasy #ultima8 #ultima8pagan #u8pagan #u8 #gamemusic #soundtracks
#fantasy #ultima8 #ultima8pagan #u8pagan #u8 #gamemusic #soundtracks
@benjedwards got it as an amazing birthday present. Played it on my 386 which didn't have a CD-ROM drive so my best friend found a copy that came on 8 floppy disks
Somehow managed to download the crucial patch afterwards that introduced targeted jumping so you can survive the mini games.
At one point I got stuck in a cave for days assuming I was supposed to unlock a door. Learned many years later that it was going to be the Vale of the Zealans expansion pack entrance. Due to #Ultima8 having such a poor response the expansion was cancelled, and it turned out I should've just left the cave after finding what I recall was the Bone Crusher... Possibly the second best weapon after the Flame Sting Sword.
The latter of course putting skeleton warriors down once and for all.
I get a weird-but-cool #Ultima8 energy from the presentation, and the #BushidoBlade combat vibes made me smile.
The learning curve almost killed it for me (I had to switch from controller to k&m) but then the mechanics clicked, and I was tearing shit up.