A notorious thief-hunter on UO Outlands bumped into my little goblin stabbing mobs in the back with a friend. He normally attacks Fitzl on sight, her being a silly little goblin thief and all, but since she was being a "good goblin", he gave her sandals that are probably worth more than most other things she owns. They don't fit her outfit, but meh! Gifts from friends are /always/ in style.
#uo #ultimaonline #ultimaonlineoutlands #gaming
I irregularly #stream #UltimaOnlineOutlands on #Twitch, but I want to move to #OwnCast with a dual-stream as the Fediverse fascinates me.
Every year, I near-religiously observe #Wintereenmas, a fictional holiday from a webcomic I no longer read. I use this to take a week off work and play games, with goals to beat something from my backlog and pull an all-nighter to prove to myself that I'm not getting too old. Last year, I beat "Drakan: Order of the Flame", and the year before that, "F.E.A.R."
#stream #ultimaonlineoutlands #twitch #owncast #wintereenmas
Fitzl find riding Chik'n friend! YAY FITZL!
#gaming #UltimaOnline #UltimaOnlineOutlands #UOOutlands #RolePlay #RolePlaying #NerdSquee
#gaming #ultimaonline #ultimaonlineoutlands #uooutlands #roleplay #roleplaying #nerdsquee
I just did a nearly four hour stream playing my mage character in Ultima Online Outlands, casting most of her spells using a VoiceAttack profile I built with the various spell incantations. Have I mentioned that I'm a huge nerd?
My voice is wrecked, but it was a TONNE of fun, and the community seemed to get a kick out of it too. I'm going to go curl up on a couch and let my throat recover. 🖤
#stream #Twitch #UltimaOnline #UltimaOnlineOutlands #VoiceAttack
#stream #twitch #ultimaonline #ultimaonlineoutlands #voiceattack