Enjoyed my first competition day of Ultimate Frisbee with UFO Mixed 3 yesterday.
Amazing sunset at TCO Stadium last night for the #AUDL semifinals. The home team put up a great fight and almost won! Going back tonight for the final.
Any other #UltimateFrisbee fans on here?
So, are there any #ultimatefrisbee players on Mastodon? Wondering if anyone is watching the U24 World Championships at the moment.
Hi, my name is Josh. I'm a new father working in higher education who tries to find time to play disc golf and video games (on pretty much every platform).
The great Reddit exodus motivated me to check out the fediverse so here I go kicking the tires on this bad boy.
#discgolf #videogames #ps5 #xbox #steamdeck #switch #philosophy #ultimate #ultimatefrisbee #introduction
#discgolf #videogames #ps5 #xbox #Steamdeck #switch #philosophy #ultimate #ultimatefrisbee #Introduction
Mouf visits Alameda's Upper Washington park to check out the facilities, recreation structures, and all the people exercising and playing in this week's Bear's-Eye View of Alameda.
#mouf #alameda #swingset #squirrels #sundogday #basketball #horseshoes #CanadaGeese #bearseyeview #ArnerichField #WashingtonPark #UltimateFrisbee #UpperWashingtonPark
#mouf #alameda #swingset #squirrels #sundogday #Basketball #horseshoes #canadageese #bearseyeview #arnerichfield #washingtonpark #ultimatefrisbee #upperwashingtonpark
🥏 I’ve recently started playing Ultimate Frisbee, a fast-paced team sport. I’m really enjoying it so far, and I’m now a member of UFO Utrecht.
Thrilled to announce I've joined an ultimate frisbee team: Skull-timate Frisbee! Slicing discs like a true surgeon! 🥏💀 #UltimateFrisbee #BrainyAthlete #FrisbeeFun #BitBook
#ultimatefrisbee #brainyathlete #frisbeefun #bitbook
Wednesday evening, I started an introduction course for Ultimate Frisbee (first of four sessions). It was really fun 😁. Also, intense. I still got a lot of muscle pain 😅.
Played Ultimate Frisbee for the first time in something over a dozen years. It's... less easy than it used to be. I don't think literally sitting out the pandemic and shortening my morning commute to a dozen feet helped. #ultimatefrisbee #fitness
Hat jemand Lust auf #UltimateFrisbee am Sonntag vormittag auf der Cante (Friedrich Ludwig Jahn Sportanlage), Prenzlauer Berg?
Another Sunday, another frisbee game.
#frisbee #ultimatefrisbee #photography #sfbay
Ultimate Frisbee links: - equipment, trainers etc
Plus info on "cleats" ("studs" if you're in UK, as I am):
#ultimate #frisbee #ultimatefrisbee
Working on collecting my thoughts on why #ultimatefrisbee players should #liftweights. Will probably turn into my second blog post of the last 5 years. Mastodon is reinvigorating my passion for owning my own little space on the open web.
Finally have some time to put together a proper #introduction
I’m a 40 something year old father of two that has been writing code since I was 10ish by typing PRINT ‘HELLO WORLD’ into the old DEC Alpha my dad brought home from work.
Professionally I love building teams and products focused on data and analytics. One time I sold a company.
Personally I play #ultimatefrisbee, #weightlift, love music, audio, video and most everything technology related.
Thanks @nova for hosting this space.
#introduction #ultimatefrisbee #weightlift
Hi to the world of Mastodon 👋
Looking forward to connecting with people around the world about #leftist politics, #publicdefense, as well as the #law and #lawyering more broadly!
I’m a novice #chess player and fan, as well as a retired college #ultimatefrisbee player 🤠
#leftist #publicdefense #law #lawyering #chess #ultimatefrisbee
Pour notre équipe 2, le weekend retour s'achève sur le bilan d'une victoire pour 4 défaites. Notre équipe a réussi à créer du jeu, de la bonne ambiance et du fair play tout le weekend !!
Troisième au Spirit et un article dans le journal !!
✅ 10-8 Reims
❌ 5-12 Strasbourg
❌ 6-10 Villers les Nancy
❌ 7-11 Faulquemont
❌ 7-13 Liverdun
Maintenant, RDV en Outdoor !
#DiscTroyes #ultimate #frisbee #ultimatefrisbee #flyingdisc #fairplay #sport #troyes #aube #grandest #ultimatefrance #competition
#disctroyes #ultimate #frisbee #ultimatefrisbee #Flyingdisc #fairplay #sport #troyes #aube #grandest #ultimatefrance #competition
Pour sa première participation en Nationale 3, notre équipe repart avec un bilan plus que positif car nous rejouerons en Nationale 3 l’an prochain !
Bilan du Week-end :
✅ 11-6 Mosquidos de Lyon
❌ 9-12 Shamrock de Arnas
✅ 10-7 Sesquidistus de Strasbourg
✅ 9-7 Clapas de Montepellier
Et nous sommes également 2ème ex-aequo au fair-play de la zone C !
#DiscTroyes #ultimate #frisbee #ultimatefrisbee #flyingdisc #fairplay #sport #troyes #aube #grandest #ultimatefrance #competition #victoire
#disctroyes #ultimate #frisbee #ultimatefrisbee #Flyingdisc #fairplay #sport #troyes #aube #grandest #ultimatefrance #competition #victoire
Ce week-end les équipes de DiscTroyes sont mobilisées !
Notre équipe en National 3 joue le maintien à Villeurbanne et notre équipe de départemental 2 la montée en DR1 à Troyes (hé oui on accueille les copains 😄) !
Ils vont tout déchirer ! Bon courage à tous !! 😄
#DiscTroyes #ultimate #frisbee #ultimatefrisbee #flyingdisc #fairplay #sport #troyes #aube #grandest #ultimatefrance #competition
#disctroyes #ultimate #frisbee #ultimatefrisbee #Flyingdisc #fairplay #sport #troyes #aube #grandest #ultimatefrance #competition
Aujourd'hui focus sur un livre de référence dans le monde de l'Ultimate : "L'Ultimate en mouvement"
"L’ultimate en mouvement est une philosophie de jeu qui place le dynamisme et l’équilibre au centre des priorités du joueur. Cet ouvrage a aussi pour visée de proposer un environnement complet au sein duquel chaque joueur peut s’épanouir."
A lire entre les matchs ! 😁😁
#livre #ultimate #frisbee #ultimatefrisbee #flyingdisc #lecture #sport
#livre #ultimate #frisbee #ultimatefrisbee #Flyingdisc #lecture #sport
Disctroyes était pour la 1ère fois de son histoire en championnat de Nationale 3 Open.
La préparation du coach et quelques beaux gestes nous ont permis ce bilan du week-end :
✅9-8 Monkey 2 (Grenoble)
❌6-12 Constancia (Strasbourg)
❌4-13 Polygones (Lyon)
✅10-6 Sesquidistus 2 (Strasbourg)
La triangulaire avec les équipes à 2 victoires nous envoie en poule basse au goal-average, et on va tout donner au retour pour le maintien !
#ultimate #ultimatefrisbee #frisbee #Troyes #GrandEst #flyingdisc
#ultimate #ultimatefrisbee #frisbee #troyes #grandest #Flyingdisc