Habe meine ersten beiden TABS fΓΌr #Ukulele #Gitarre und #Klavier auf #UltimateGuitar verΓΆffentlicht. #Maskenfrau von #BerndBridges https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/user/tab/view?h=mRF0T-HHZmQvy29aVIXuRK0p
#ukulele #gitarre #klavier #ultimateguitar #maskenfrau #berndbridges
What Ever Happened to The People on The Cover of Famous Albums
Let's take a closer look at the models from these iconic albums.
#BehindTheCover #AlbumArt #AlbumCovers #MusicHistory #FamousAlbums #MusicLegacy
#themetaldogarticlelist #ultimateguitar #behindthecover #albumart #albumcovers #musichistory #famousalbums #musiclegacy
David Lee Roth Reveals Nickname Van Halen Had for Eddie Van Halen, Recalls How His Grandma Reacted at the Band's Live Show
Just a regular day in the life of Van Halen.
#themetaldogarticlelist #ultimateguitar #davidleeroth #vanhalen #eddievanhalen #nickname #liveshow #grandmareaction
Mike Portnoy on What Young Musicians Really Need to Do: 'It's Not Just About Playing to Instagram Followers'
'Anybody can kind of learn how to make your four limbs do something and do it'
#themetaldogarticlelist #ultimateguitar #mikeportnoy #musiceducation #youngmusicians #learningbydoing #instagramfollowers #developingparticularskills #findingyourstyle #performanceexperience #gainfromfailure #listentoothers
Drummer Vinny Appice Opens Up on Firing of Vivian Campbell From Dio, Says Band 'Started to Go Downhill' Afterwards
'In certain bands, yeah, you can replace everybody, whoever you want, but certain bands you can't.'
#VinnyAppice #VivianCampbell #FiredFromDio #DownhillAfter #HeavyMetalHistory
#themetaldogarticlelist #ultimateguitar #vinnyappice #viviancampbell #firedfromdio #downhillafter #heavymetalhistory
Eddie Van Halen Was One-of-a-Kind and Skid Row's Scotti Hill Explains Why: 'He Was an Animal Completely Unto Himself'
'It goes without saying that Eddie was a wizard the likes of which we've never seen.'
#themetaldogarticlelist #ultimateguitar #eddievanhalen #oneofakind #scottihill #innovativeguitarist #pioneeringriffs #metaporicsolos #whammybars #guitarlegacy #heavymetal #rockmusic #gonetoosoon #RIPEddieVanHalen
Rob Zombie Appears to Have Officially Reunited With Mike Riggs
Nothing is official yet.
#RobZombie #MikeRiggs #Reunion #Musician #Guitarist #HeavyMetal #HorrorMetal #SoloCareer #Collaboration #UltimateGuitarNews
#themetaldogarticlelist #ultimateguitar #robzombie #mikeriggs #reunion #musician #guitarist #heavymetal #horrormetal #solocareer #collaboration #ultimateguitarnews
Steve Vai Opens Up on Financial Issues in Post-Pandemic Music Industry: 'You're Lucky if You Break Even'
'I have a lot of friends that are canceling - big bands - because they just can't get the numbers to balance.'
#SteveVai #FinancialIssues #PostPandemicMusicIndustry #BreakEven #MusicIndustry #GuitarNews
#themetaldogarticlelist #ultimateguitar #stevevai #financialissues #postpandemicmusicindustry #Breakeven #musicindustry #guitarnews
Ex-Megadeth's Jeff Young on What Dave Mustaine Thinks of His Band With David Ellefson: 'We Couldn't Care Less, We're Making Him Money'
UG EXCLUSIVE: 'Not that anything he's ever said has been objective.
#Megadeth #ExMegadeth #Guitarist #JeffYoung #Interview #DaveMustaine #DavidEllefson #MakingMoney #MusicCareer
#themetaldogarticlelist #ultimateguitar #megadeth #exmegadeth #guitarist #jeffyoung #interview #davemustaine #DavidEllefson #makingmoney #musiccareer
#Overkill Bassist on Being Excluded From '$Big4' of #ThrashMetal: 'I Don't Think It's About Their Influence, It's About Their Sales'
'They sold the most records, so that's why they're 'The Big Four.''
#themetaldogarticlelist #ultimateguitar #overkill #thrashmetal
#TwistedSister 's #JayJayFrench on #JeffBeck 's Greatness: ' #EricClapton Stayed the Same. #JimmyPage Got Worse as Time Went on'
'When you get to Eric Clapton, there's a million guys that play like that.'
#themetaldogarticlelist #ultimateguitar #twistedsister #jayjayfrench #jeffbeck #ericclapton #jimmypage
#RickRubin on How He Achieved #Slayer 's Sound on 'Reign in Blood': 'It Comes From My Lack of Experience'
'Up until 'Reign in Blood', [people] recorded #SpeedMetal more like other #HardRock or HeavyMetal.'
#themetaldogarticlelist #ultimateguitar #rickrubin #slayer #speedmetal #hardrock #tomarraya #JeffHanneman #davelombardo #kerryking
#Anthrax 's #ScottIan & ##CharlieBenante Address Possibility of Another #Big4 Tour
'Yeah, I saw Mustaine was kinda fishing for some of that', Benante said.
#metal #ThrashMetal #Anthrax
#Megadeth #Slayer #Metallica #TheBig4 #TheBig4Tour
#ultimateguitar #anthrax #ScottIan #charliebenante #big4 #metal #thrashmetal #megadeth #slayer #metallica #thebig4 #thebig4tour #themetaldogarticlelist
Danish Scientists Create World's Smallest Vinyl Record
[TheMetalDog: The album cover is a letdown.]
#ultimateguitar #themetaldogarticlelist
Ola Englund Reacts to Nergal's Statement on Overproduced Metal: 'These Are the Words of an Old Metal Fart'
'...just like me.'
#ultimateguitar #nergal #behemoth #olaenglund #musicproduction #themetaldogarticlelist
#Slipknot Bassist Recalls How Band Reacted When Fans Prematurely Uncovered His Identity: 'Once You've Seen My Tattoos, It's Pretty Obvious'
'I remember saying, 'Should I put some black tattoo gloves on or something like that?''
#ultimateguitar #slipknot #themetaldogarticlelist
Guitarist Chris Broderick Explains His Approach to Playing Classic Megadeth Solos, Names One Thing Guitarists 'Can't Deny' When Performing
'So, for me, it's all about recreating and trying to do [former Megadeth guitarist] Marty Friedman justice'
[New article, old news]
#ultimateguitar #chrisbroderick #martyfriedman #megadeth #themetaldogarticlelist
6 Premium Signature Guitars Worth Their Weight In Gold, Part II
Signature guitars can sometimes be a cash grab, but these six are true workhorses.
#ultimateguitar #guitars #signatureguitars #themetaldogarticlelist
Gary Holt Describes One Guitar From His Collection That Might Surprise Some Fans, Names One Mistake Rhythm Guitarists Make
#GaryHolt #Guitar #Exodus #Slayer
#ultimateguitar #GaryHolt #guitar #exodus #slayer
#UltimateGuitar changed my life for real. Ahh music theory is so cool! I have learned a very little bit a couple years ago from a voice I class, and also from years of conversing with musicians. I only recently cracked the power of the transposing button at the bottom of UG.
I have a keyboard hand-me-down from my roommate that I briefly learned a few things on (two handed twinkle twinkle, baybee!), but it quickly was set aside while I've been consumed with school and more inclined to play guitar/uke when I'm feeling musical. I would love to learn piano/keyboard properly some day! I feel like it would open up so much more understanding of music and ability to write more interesting songs.
Oh my gosh I bet you looked so glamorous too! Glad you got to enjoy the art for a while before the drawbacks were too much :).
Do you miss performing? Do you play for friends? Do you post your music on social media anywhere?