#JeffTollaksen - What Is #Ultimate #Reality?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfCosmology #Cosmology #Physics #FundamentalPhysics #UltimateReality #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Complementarity #Uncertainly #UncertaintyPrinciple #Time #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #time #uncertaintyprinciple #uncertainly #complementarity #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #ultimatereality #fundamentalphysics #physics #cosmology #PhilosophyOfCosmology #philosophyofscience #philosophy #reality #ultimate #jefftollaksen
#JohnLeslie - What is #UltimateReality?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfCosmology #Science #Physics #Cosmology #Universe #TheUniverse #Energy #BigBang #BigBangTheory #LawsOfPhysics #LawsOfNature #Multiverse #TheMultiverse #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #QM #Time #Idealism #Platonism #Chance #Randomness #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #randomness #chance #platonism #idealism #time #qm #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #themultiverse #multiverse #lawsofnature #lawsofphysics #bigbangtheory #bigbang #energy #theuniverse #universe #cosmology #physics #science #PhilosophyOfCosmology #philosophyofscience #philosophy #ultimatereality #johnleslie
“The distance between me and you is illusion.” ~ Bert McCoy
one Love, one Life, expressed in a myriad of diversity and beauty.
*full post at:
#One #OneLove #OneLife #Diversity #Beauty #Interdependence #Interbeing #UltimateReality #RelativeReality #Illusion #BertMcCoyQuotes #ZenEnso #Enso #EnsoSrt #ZenArt #BuddhistArt #Art #JMWart #JinpaLhaga
#one #onelove #onelife #diversity #beauty #interdependence #Interbeing #ultimatereality #relativereality #illusion #bertmccoyquotes #zenenso #ENSO #ensosrt #zenart #buddhistart #art #jmwart #jinpalhaga
“The distance between me and you is illusion.” ~ Bert McCoy
one Love, one Life, expressed in a myriad of diversity and beauty.
*full post at:
#One #OneLove #OneLife #Diversity #Beauty #Interdependence #Interbeing #UltimateReality #RelativeReality #Illusion #BertMcCoyQuotes #ZenEnso #Enso #EnsoSrt #ZenArt #BuddhistArt #Art #JMWart #JinpaLhaga
#one #onelove #onelife #diversity #beauty #interdependence #Interbeing #ultimatereality #relativereality #illusion #bertmccoyquotes #zenenso #ENSO #ensosrt #zenart #buddhistart #art #jmwart #jinpalhaga
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." ~ William Shakespeare
call IT what you will, all names fall short.
instead, show me how you choose to live, tell me how you love!
#God #UltimateReality #Dao #GroundOfBeing #Universe #TheForce #Buddhanature #Love #BeginnersMind #OpenHeart #TrueNature #JinpaLhaga #JetsunmaTenzinPalmoQuotes
#god #ultimatereality #dao #groundofbeing #universe #theforce #buddhanature #love #beginnersmind #openheart #truenature #jinpalhaga #jetsunmatenzinpalmoquotes
"What is it, namely, that connects the temporal and eternity, what else but love, which for that very reason is before everything and remains after everything is gone." - Kierkegaard, Works of Love
The way God connects this finite life with infinite and ultimate reality is with love. It is the part of ourselves that remains after everything else is gone.
#kierkegaard #theology #kjerlighed #ultimatereality #eternity
#kierkegaard #theology #kjerlighed #ultimatereality #eternity
Light and Sound on the Path (Sant Mat, Radhasoami): Satlok Sachkhand is Our True Home, and, Go Within Or Go Without -- Mystic-Poem of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras @ Blogspot: https://SantMatRadhasoami.blogspot.com/2022/04/light-and-sound-on-path-sant-mat_25.html
@ Substack: https://santmat.substack.com
#meditation #spirituality #ultimatereality #wisdom #satsang
#SpiritualAwakeningRadio Podcast: God is the Creator of the Spiritual Path, & the Inner Light and Sound -- ABOUT: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2022/04/god-is-creator-of-spiritual-path-and-is.html
Listen @ YouTube:
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#Podcasts #Meditation #Spirituality #Religion #Scriptures #SpiritualBooks #Heavens #GnosticGospels #Philosophy #UltimateReality #God #InnerPeace #Peace #Rest #Tranquility #LifePurpose #Meaning #MeaningOfLife
#spiritualawakeningradio #podcasts #meditation #spirituality #religion #scriptures #spiritualbooks #heavens #gnosticgospels #philosophy #ultimatereality #god #innerpeace #peace #rest #tranquility #lifepurpose #meaning #meaningoflife
Examine the Nature of Existence -- The Opening Verses of Sar Bachan Prose in Two Translations: https://SantMatRadhasoami.Blogspot.com/2019/06/examine-nature-of-existence-opening.html
#Meditation #Spirituality #SpiritualQuotes #MeditationQuotes #Book #India #TheSoul #UltimateReality #NatureOfExistence
#meditation #natureofexistence #spirituality #spiritualquotes #meditationquotes #book #india #thesoul #ultimatereality
Happy Ultima Thule New Year: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2018/12/happy-ultima-thule-new-year.html
#UltimaThule #HappyNewYear #UltimateReality #ExtremeLimits #Exploration #Mysticism #Meditation #PracticingThePresenceOfGod #PathOfTheMasters #Consciousness #Ebooks #SpiritualBooks #HidayatNamah
#ultimathule #happynewyear #ultimatereality #mysticism #meditation #practicingthepresenceofgod #pathofthemasters #consciousness #hidayatnamah #extremelimits #exploration #ebooks #spiritualbooks